Page 6 - In Force Winter 2017_Neat
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Operation Darwin – praise for CMD

       Staff in CMD have been praised for their   model and there is already a very positive   played a key role in achieving a smooth
       efforts to maintain high performance on   picture emerging. All incoming crime is   transition.”
       both 999 and 101 calls on Halloween   being allocated to an OIC within 24 hours      The Force will continue to monitor the
       when the Force experienced its busiest   and 95 per cent of victims have been   impact of the changes and will seek staff
       day for four years.                  contacted within 24 hours of reporting –   and officers’ views on what’s working well
          The praise came just days after the   the remaining five per cent narrowly   and what could be improved.
       Force launched the new Neighbourhood   missed that 24-hour target by just      Preparations are now well underway
       Investigation Units (NIUs) as part of the   minutes.”                    for the uplift of officers in PRT and the
       re-organisation under Operation Darwin.     He added: “The early success of the   changes to the response hub locations.
          The NIUs bring together the Managed   new investigative model is testament to   These changes will come into effect on 27
       Appointment Unit and the Force       the hard work and effort that everyone   November when there will be an extra 22
       Investigation Units, moving these    across the Force. From the research and   officers in PRT and new satellite hubs
       previously centralised functions out to   planning delivered by the Darwin team   set-up in Hinckley, Beaumont and
       eight neighbourhood locations.       and those involved in ensuring the   Mansfield House. This should help reduce
          On 23 October the new teams were up   infrastructure is in place, to the officers   travel time, improve response times,
       and running in Hinckley, Coalville,   and staff in both the neighbourhood   provide a better service to the public and
       Loughborough, Melton, Keyham Lane,   teams and the new NIUs, everyone has   contribute to more positive outcomes.
       Beaumont Leys, Euston Street and Market
          A few days later, Assistant Chief       THE CHANGES HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO STREAMLINE
       Constable Rob Nixon said: “The changes   “
       have been designed to streamline           INVESTIGATIONS AND IMPROVE WORKING PRACTICES
       investigations and improve working
       practices between investigative officers   BETWEEN INVESTIGATIVE OFFICERS AND LOCAL
       and local neighbourhood teams, while also
       generating a more consistent service to    NEIGHBOURHOOD TEAMS, WHILE ALSO GENERATING A
          “We’re now five days into the new       MORE CONSISTENT SERVICE TO VICTIMS.

       Maternity pay concerns

       A number of women who submitted grievances over maternity
       pay have now received settlements from the Force after
       receiving advice from UNISON.
          However, the UNISON branch believes the Force should have
       settled with all those affected not just those who submitted
          “This is an issue we will continue to tackle on behalf of those
       members affected,” says Chris Hanrahan, UNISON branch
          As part of the negotiated pay and conditions package
       included in the Police Staff Council Handbook, a number of
       improvements relating to maternity leave came into effect:
       l  Maternity leave increased from 12 months to 15 months
       l  A new entitlement to take annual leave during a break in
          maternity leave was introduced
       l  An ability to carry forward annual leave if unable to take
          during maternity leave
       l  Maternity pay increased from the equivalent of 12 weeks at
          full pay to 18 weeks at full pay (for employees with 26 weeks’   woman who was on maternity leave on 1 April 2017, regardless of
          service).                                           when that maternity leave started or nished.
          But it appeared forces were only applying the new provisions      It therefore advised women affected to submit a grievance to
       to those with an expected week of confinement (EWC) which   the Force and provided a template for a letter to this effect.
       began on or after 1 April 2017 meaning that those not within      Women whose maternity leave ended on or before 31 March
       that restricted period would miss out.                 2017 and who returned to work on, or before, 1 April 2017 are not
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          UNISON argued the new maternity entitlements apply to any   eligible to the new provisions.
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