Page 4 - In Force Winter 2017_Neat
P. 4
Leicestershire reps play full
part in UNISON conference
By Pat Earnshaw, training. The workshops provided were all very
Leicestershire Police Joe gave a particularly impassioned stimulating and, as there were different
UNISON branch chair speech about his own experience of PIM topics, each of us attended those of
during this debate. As Leicester delegates, particular interest to us. Unfortunately,
UNISON’s Police and we supported all the East Midlands the College of Policing workshop I
Justice Conference Regions motions and the “Vetting – attended did not provide any reassurance
was this year held in double jeopardy” was well received by all: that the college understands police staff
Llandudno in Wales. the thought of our members losing their and their requirements. The two
My colleagues, jobs because they are unable to maintain representatives referred continually to
Elizabeth Wilkins and Joe Dibb, were their vetting level when they have not regulations and were not aware that we
fellow delegates and Kam Pandya been dismissed through the disciplinary are not subject to the Code of Ethics; such
attended as a visitor, Lesley Panton process that ultimately triggered the a lack of understanding was
attended as a regional representative and re-vetting. disappointing for all the delegates in
Gary Jacques is on the Standing Orders It is always good to meet fellow reps attendance.
Committee, so Leicestershire was well from other forces, as well as from the I have attended many conferences
represented in one way or another. Probation Service, to find out how much during my time as branch chair and
The issues covered by the motions we all have in common and how the would encourage members to become
were thought-provoking and led to issues we all face are so similar, i.e. force reps and join us at our conference next
interesting debates, particularly one control rooms are usually understaffed year to meet up with like-minded
submitted by the East Midlands Region and PCSOs are tasked as though they are professional staff to see how your union
about PIM (Post-Incident Management) police officers! works for you.
Elizabeth Wilkins “The second workshop was in relation to IPCC
“The location and the friendly and professional staff made investigations; it is imperative we maintain positive contact
me feel so welcome, and overall I felt privileged to be an with the IPCC in order to provide members with the best
attendee and a proud member of the UNISON organisation. I support possible when they are under investigation. Two
thoroughly enjoyed the conference but found the representatives from the IPCC attended to discuss the ongoing
amendments to the proposals and the voting part a little changes to their internal process and how this was to benefit
complicated. our members. It also provided an opportunity to discuss our
“The Mind Blue Light workshop was very interesting and issues with the IPCC.
well attended by delegates. “The third that I attended was in relation to the barred and
“Pat Earnshaw and Lesley Panton did Leicestershire Police advisory lists. This is something that is under discussion and
very proud in the number of times they spoke at the rostrum, may be introduced by the College of Policing under new
delivering passionate and informative speeches. Joe Dibb legislation. This is of particular interest to me and my UNISON
shared his experience, when he delivered a heartfelt speech colleagues who are also Special Police Constables as once
about the importance of the role as a PIM officer.” passed it will mean that if a police staff employee is dismissed
from either role, for misconduct or poor performance, they will
Joe Dibb immediately be dismissed in both roles and placed on the
“In the afternoon of the Friday I attended three workshops barred list thus preventing them from being employed by any
which involved a small group of delegates discussing specific UK police force in the future.
issues that relate to Police and Justice. The first I attended “The debate was very lively and ran over time; the UNISON
with Pat Earnshaw was to discuss apprenticeships within the lead on negations had a number of feedback points to take
police service. A national lead from Thames Valley Police and back regarding issues raised by members, myself included. I
a representative from the College of Policing delivered an will be keeping up to date with this legislation as it is
interesting presentation. There were various discussions progressed as, being the Young Members’ Officer, I am aware
among the delegates attending about what is happening in that a proportion of the members that I represent may also be
each of their forces. Special Constables.”