Page 5 - In Force Winter 2017_Neat
P. 5

Regional motions                                                           Can you

       secure backing                                                             support day of
                                                                                  action for

                                                                                  Norfolk PCSOs?
       Four motions put forward by the East   staff associations to raise awareness of
       Midlands regional branches won the   the effects of austerity on the police   Police staff from the Force who would
       backing of conference and will now be   service and their respective members,   like to support a day of action in
       taken forward.                       maximising media opportunities and    Norwich on 2 December in support of
          The motions were:                 encouraging branches to raise awareness   Norfolk PCSOs are being urged to
       Police staff vetting double jeopardy  with the public.                     contact the Leicestershire Police
       Conference instructed the Service Group      The motion stated: “Our members   UNISON branch.
       Executive (SGE) to:                  have lived with austerity for seven long      The day of action has been
       l  Develop a negotiating strategy in   years and as such we have seen the service   organised after the Norfolk Chief
         relation to staff vetting.         to the public diminish and the
       l  Make representations to the Police   consequences on our members’health.”  Constable Simon Bailey announced
                                                                                  proposals to scrap the Police
         Staff Council, the National Police   Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary,   Community Support Officer role from
         Chiefs’ Council Vetting Group and the   Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS): come   1 April next year, effectively leaving all
         College of Policing with a view to   clean about cuts to policing        of the Force’s 150 PCSOs facing
         negotiating a fair process for members.  Conference instructed the SGE to:
       l  Negotiate as far as is reasonably   l  Enter dialogue with the HMIC to   redundancy.

                                                                                     Mr Bailey is arguing that
         practicable, a fair and transparent   determine what areas of its inspection   abolishing the role of PCSO will save
         appeals procedure for members who    are concerned with the impact of    the force around £1.6 million, money
         are subject to loss of vetting status.   austerity
       l  Develop guidance for branches on   l  Discuss with the HMICFRS the      he says would fund 81 extra police
                                                                                  officers and 16 police staff. Norfolk is
         vetting once negotiations are        potential and tangible impact that   also planning to close seven public
                                              austerity is having on the police staff
      “      ALL WE ARE ASKING IS FOR       l  Where possible identify with the   in some county schools as it seeks to
                                                                                  counters and withdraw officers based
                                                                                  save money.
                                              HMICFRS areas where inspections can
             THE SAME

                                                                                     “This announcement has sent
                                              issues facing our members because of
             CONSIDERATION THAT               be improved to better identify the   shockwaves across all forces,” says
                                                                                  Chris Hanrahan, branch secretary at
             ANY OTHER CITIZEN HAS          l  Encourage the HMICFRS to put these   Leicestershire Police UNISON,
                                                                                  “Abolishing the PCSO role will in effect
                                              findings into inspection reports.
             IN RAISING LEGITIMATE          Police staff and the Independent Police   rip the heart out of neighbourhood
                                            Complaints Commission (IPCC)          policing teams and could take away
             COMPLAINTS WITH THE                                                  such a huge element of the visible
                                            Since the introduction of the Police Reform   policing presence that we know
             APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY.         Act 2002, police staff have been prevented   communities want and need.
                                            from raising complaints about the level of
                                                                                     “We have been asked to send
          UNISON is concerned at the way in   service they have received from the police     members to Norwich on the day to
       which national vetting procedures are   as private citizens. The act specifically   support the campaign activities and
       affecting members. There are numerous   prevents them making a complaint when   to add our voice to the calls for Norfolk
       examples of staff going through      they receive a poor service from the police   Constabulary to reverse its disastrous
       misconduct procedures where the      in their own force area.              decision to abolish PCSOs in the
       outcome has been short of dismissal.     They are encouraged instead to use   county.
          But this often triggers a vetting review   internal grievance procedures to resolve      “The branch will pay reasonable
       which will see vetting status diminished   complaints that should be dealt with   expenses to any of our members who
       due to the outcome of the misconduct   under the police complaints procedure.   wish to attend, this will include travel
       process.                                The motion stated: “All we are asking is   and subsistence.”
          A change in vetting status as result of   for the same consideration that any other      If you would like to attend, please
       the misconduct process will very often   citizen has in raising legitimate complaints   contact Paul Gurney in the branch
       result in dismissal, which was clearly not   with the appropriate authority.”  office or email paul.gurney@
       the wish of the employer, and leads to      Conference instructed the SGE to raise
       double jeopardy for members.         the issue with the Home Office, police      You can find out more about the
       The effects of austerity on our members   minister, shadow police minister, IPCC and   campaign on the UNISON Eastern   PAGE 5
       and the service they provide         the Home Affairs Select Committee and   Region website at https://tinyurl.
       Conference called on the SGE to work in   then report developments to next year’s   com/ybj4vexo
       partnership with other unions and police   conference.
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