Page 13 - Zavation MIS Retractor System - Hensler Surgical 2019
P. 13

Retracctor Kit                                                                                   Rev: B

                                                    USSER MANUUAL

                      1.3.7.  Lighht cable andd light holdder

               The lighht cable andd the light holder are  reusable.

               The lighht cable hellps to light  up the wouund.

                WARNNING: Reaad the Insttruction Foor Use of  the dual llight cablee before anny use
                of thee product.. «Manufaacturer»  ccan't be  rresponsiblle for anyy misuse  of the
                dual liight cablee. This Insttruction foor Use is inncluded innside the ppackagingg.

               - Thesee lights are  inserted into the lightt holder.

               - The ligght holderss are placedd in their coorrespondinng holes:

                      Spot 1: on  the retracttor body (see figure 14)
                      Spot 2: onn the optionnal 4th blade supportt (see figurre 15) (In that case,  the 4th

                      blade suppport uses  tthe same  holes as  tthe light  ccables (spoot 1):  bothh plastic
                      c connectors of the 4th blade suppport are insserted in thhe retractorr body as sshown in
                      t the chapter 1.3.9 Opttional 4th bblade and itts support)

                                   Figure 14                                     Figure 15

               - Adjust the position of the lightning syystem by orrienting thee light suppport to the  suitable


               - After several usees, the lightt holder can lose its fiitting. Use a common  flat screwddriver to
               give back to the light holder its approprriate fitting.

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