Page 18 - Zavation MIS Retractor System - Hensler Surgical 2019
P. 18
Retracctor Kit Rev: B
Insttructions ffor cleaninng, sterilizzation andd maintenaance
2. IInstruuctionns for cleeaningg, steerilization
annd maaintenance
2.1. Haandling prior too cleaning
Recommmendationss for the haandling of thhese surgiccal instrumeents are ass follows:
- - Do not let blood or tissue dryy on the insstrument.
- - Rinse thhe instrumeent immediiately after use and beefore deconntaminationn.
- - As mucch as posssible, manipulate insstruments made fromm differentt metals
- - Check tthe functionnality and ccleanliness of each insstrument beefore use.
- - Time dwwell betweeen use and cleaning off the devicees should bbe minimal..
- - Devicess should bbe carried into wet wraps fromm the surggery room to the
cleaningg room.
- - Some ddevices should be ddisassembleed prior too cleaning,, some should be
handledd specifically prior to ccleaning, ass describedd below.
2 2.1.1. Disaassembling of the retraractor
- Hold the tips awway from eeach other screwing tthe lateral nut and tuurn the black knob
until thee central arrm is totallyy out.
- Both handles have to be removed ffrom the rretractor boody. Push the left annd right
buttonss to releasee both handdles (see figgure 27).
Figure 27