Page 10 - Zavation MIS Retractor System - Hensler Surgical 2019
P. 10

Retracctor Kit                                                                                   Rev: B

                                                    USSER MANUUAL

                      1.3.5.  Tablle clamp (uuse for mobbile and static positionn)

               The tabble clamp  is a reusable device.. It's a  flexible arm  which is  uused to fassten the
               retractoor to the suurgery tablee.

                WARNNING: Reaad the Insstruction FFor Use off the tablee clamp beefore any  use of
                the prroduct. «MManufactuurer» can''t be respoonsible foor any missuse of thee table
                clampp. This Insstruction fofor Use is iincluded innside the p packagingg.

               - To fixx the flexible arm to tthe surgeryy table, refeer to the specific Insttruction For Use of
               the table clamp.

               Use knoob 1 to fassten the tabble clamp bbase to the  surgical table rail (Seee figure 111).

               Use knoob 2 to sett the heightt of the armm.

               Use knoob 3 to locck the threee articulatioons.

               Use knoob 4 to fassten the rettractor withh the arm.




                                                          Figure 11

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