Page 3 - ROOT by Brock May June 2020
P. 3

Nutrition NOte:                                                           ask the rdN:

                                                                                  WHAT IS A SPROUTED GRAIN AND

        With the awareness of food allergies on   Those that su er from a food allergy MUST   WHY IS IT GOOD FOR ME?
        the rise, it is important to know there is a   avoid the food and all of its derivatives.   Sprouted grain is a grain that has been kept

        di erence between having a food allergy   When an individual has an allergic reaction   at a specifi c temperature and moisture level
        versus having a food intolerance. Symptoms   to the food they are sensitive to, these   to allow the germ to sprout. Sprouted grains
        are not as severe with a food intolerance as   symptoms can often be life-threatening or   contain more available nutrients during
        they are when someone has an allergy to a   may require an EpiPen  or a hospital stay.   digestion and increase the availability of
        specifi c food.                                                            folate, vitamin C, fi ber, essential amino
                                            When spending time with someone that has
        Indicators of allergies and intolerances will   a food allergy or intolerance, it is essential   acids, and B vitamins. The sprouted grains
        vary by individual. Often, when someone   to fi nd out what foods the individual has   have used some of the starch found in the
        experiences a food intolerance, they   problems with, what foods they need to   seed to germinate and produce the sprout.
        avoid the food as if they have an allergy   avoid, and always have an alternative on   This results in grains that are easier to digest
        because the symptoms are uncomfortable.   hand for that person to enjoy.   and  are higher  in  those essential nutrients
        However, since it is the individual’s choice,                             noted above. Sprouted grain bread is usually

        they may choose to eat that food and su er                                located in the refrigerator section to prevent
        the consequences.                                                         the grains from sprouting further.
                                                                                  IS IT OK TO EAT TWO PIECES OF THE
                                                                                  SAME FRUIT IN ONE DAY?
                        ALLERGY VS. INTOLERANCE SYMPTOMS                          It  is important to  remember  that  di erent

                                                                                  types of fruits contain a variety of vital
                  FOOD ALLERGIES                FOOD INTOLERANCES                 nutrients. Although it is acceptable to eat two
               •  Hives or itching            •  Stomach pain (most               pieces of the same fruit in one day, it would
                                               common)                            be better to eat two DIFFERENT types of
               •  Tingling in the mouth or
                swelling of the lips          •  Nausea or diarrhea               fruit during the day. Each color fruit contains
                                                                                  an assortment of vitamins and minerals which
               •  Breathing problems, which   •  Heartburn
                may result in anaphylaxis     •  Headaches                        keep the body healthy. By varying the kinds
               •  Abdominal pain, diarrhea,   •  Irritability or nervousness      of fruit you eat from meal to meal or snack
                nausea, or vomiting                                               to snack, you will keep the nutrients varied
                                                                                  as well. Although fruit is a healthy option, it
                                                                                  does contain calories, so like with any other
                                                                                  food, be sure to keep your serving sizes for
                                                                                  fruit in check.

                                                                                  WHICH ALTERNATIVE MILK
                                                                                  SOURCES ARE BETTER FOR MY
                                                                                  CHILD THAN DAIRY MILK?
                                                                                  When searching for milk alternatives for your
                                                                                  child, it is important to fi nd one fortifi ed
                                                                                  with both calcium and vitamin D. Cow’s
                                                                                  milk provides a signifi cant amount of protein
                                                                                  at 8 grams per serving. In contrast, most

                                                                                  milk alternatives only o er a few grams per
                                                                                  serving. The best options with comparable
                                                                                  amounts of protein would be soy or pea milk.
                                                                                  It is also important to remember to choose
                                                                                  an unsweetened version because fl avored
                                                                                  milk alternatives may provide a large amount
                                                                                  of added sugar. While sugars occur naturally
                                                                                  in dairy milk, milk alternatives may contain
                                                                                  sugar or sweetener.

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