Page 4 - ROOT by Brock May June 2020
P. 4

spice it up: MINT
        When we think about spices, one fresh herb   Adding it to chocolate chip cookie dough
        that is easy to grow and tastes great in a   lightens the fl avor and adds a nice twist to a
        variety of dishes is mint. There are over 15   traditional recipe.
        varieties of mint and they contain extremely   Not only can it be used to enhance your
        high amounts of antioxidants. Fresh mint can   dishes, but it helps with indigestion or stomach
        change the fl avor profi le of a sweet or savory   pain.  (Please  note,  do  not  use  mint  to ease
        drink or dish by simply adding a few sprigs.   symptoms associated with Gastroesophageal
        It is important to remember to add the mint   Refl ux Disease.) Drinking mint tea may
        at the end of cooking to maintain its delicate   soothe an upset stomach or open clogged
        fl avor. Adding it too soon in the cooking   nasal passages.
        process might jeopardize its taste. Also, when
        cutting fresh mint, be sure to use a sharp knife   If you haven’t tried mint recently, consider
        on a hard surface.                   refreshing your dish or drink today.
        Mint complements dishes like fresh salads,   Source:
        lamb, soups, and many Middle Eastern
        dishes. It also can add a refreshing taste
        to infused water or summertime drinks.

                                             Trend Watch:

                                             SPECIALTY APP FOR LOCAL
                                             PRODUCE AND FARMERS MARKETS

                                             Eating well is vital to a healthy diet, but trying   herbs grow, and when they are in peak season
                                             to fi nd in-season produce can be challenging,   with maximum fl avor. Choose your state
                                             sometimes  prompting  us  to  eat  fewer  fruits   and the time of year, and enjoy in-season
                                             and vegetables. Luckily, with the Seasonal   produce. Always  remember,  seasonal  eating
                                             Food Guide smartphone app and website   is a great way to add variety and nutrients to

                                             (, you can  always find   your everyday meals.
                                             what is in season, wherever you are.
                                                                                     • Food is fresher and tastes better.
                                             Typically we eat seasonally at harvest time,      •  Produce  comes  from  local  farms,  so  it

                                             such as strawberries in early June, o ering peak   doesn’t have to travel long distances to get
                                             freshness and fl avor.                   to your plate.
                                             This app lets you use your location and search      •  Eating locally grown foods helps support
                                             any season (i.e., late May or early August). It   your community and local farms.
                                             will bring up all the local produce in season at
                                             that moment in your noted area. Additionally,      •  Local growers can tell you how they
                                             this app will tell you the months your favorite   grow your produce. It’s important to
                                             item is in season, the varieties you are searching   know where and how your food was
                                             for, even fun facts, and how to cook it.  grown and harvested.
                                             The Seasonal Food Guide app can tell you   Source:
                                             where your favorite fruits, vegetables, and
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