Page 6 - ROOT by Brock May June 2020
P. 6

        Have you ever heard of B vitamins? This group   It may also play a role in cholesterol levels   lentils, spinach, beans, eggs, broccoli, and

        of water-soluble vitamins naturally exists in   in the body. Salmon, organ meats, meats,   bananas o er folate.
        many foods. Eight B vitamins are in this group   peanuts, and enriched cereals are excellent   Vitamin B12 – Cobalamine helps to keep the

        and have similar make-ups. You can often find   sources of Niacin.         brain functioning and builds red blood cells.
        several B vitamins in one food item.
                                             Vitamin B5 –  Pantothenic  Acid  helps to   Meats, tuna and haddock, dairy products,
        These  vitamins  play  a  vital  role  inside  the   break down dietary fats in the body and to   and eggs are good sources of Vitamin B12.
        body. They are considered “building blocks”   rebuild tissue and muscles. Sources include   When looking at food labels, you might see
        and keep our bodies healthy by impacting   meats, whole grain products, dairy products,   either the ‘B’ name or the alternative name
        our  energy  level, our  brain  functions,  and   legumes, avocados, caulifl ower, peanuts, and   on the label. All of the B vitamins are water-
        keeping our cells healthy.           sunfl ower seeds.                     soluble, which means that it is virtually
        Vitamin B1 –  Thiamine’s function is to   Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine’s function is to help   impossible to get too much of one vitamin.
        help breakdown carbohydrates to be used   the body’s metabolism and make hemoglobin   If the body has high levels of a water-soluble
        throughout the body. You will fi nd Thiamine   in the body. Chickpeas, organ meats, bananas,   vitamin, it will remove any excess in waste
        in pork, peas, rice, enriched grain products,   tofu, brown rice, tuna, and chicken breast all   products from the body.
        and fortifi ed cereals.               include Vitamin B6.
        Vitamin  B2  –  Ribofl avin is necessary for   Vitamin B7 – Biotin helps break down all of
        the diet to help with cell growth and cell   the macronutrients found in foods, such as   types-of-vitamins-and-nutrients/what-are-b-
        functions. Milk, eggs, meats, enriched grain   carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Baker’s yeast,   vitamins-and-folate
        products, and green vegetables contain   wheat bran, eggs, and oysters all supply biotin.
        Ribofl avin.                          Vitamin B9 –  Folate  helps  convert  carbo-  php#foods
        Vitamin  B3  – Niacin helps to break down   hydrates into energy, helps with pregnancy,
        food in the gut and transform it into energy.   and during times of rapid growth. Asparagus,

        A ergen Awarene : SHELLFISH

        Shellfi sh is one of the top eight allergens in   As with other food allergens, reactions can
        the U.S. Interestingly enough, a shellfi sh   range from mild to severe. In severe cases, the
        allergy may not be present during someone’s   use of an epinephrine pen (EpiPen ) may be
        entire life span. About 60% of cases arise in   necessary to prevent the onset of anaphylaxis
        adults, whereas most other food allergies   or  breathing  problems.  It is  important  to
        seem to develop in childhood.        familiarize yourself with food labels if you
                                             are  spending  time  with  someone  who  has

        There are two di erent groups of shellfi sh.
        The fi rst is known as crustacea, or those   a  shellfi sh  allergy.  To  help  the  individual
        that have claws and hard exterior shells, like   manage their food allergy, you should
        shrimp, crab, and lobster. The second group   not serve items with shellfi sh and avoid
        is known as mollusks, which live inside   cross-contamination with other foods.
        hard  outer shells such as  mussels,  oysters,   Source:
        clams, and scallops. Remember, if someone
        su ers from a shellfi sh allergy, it does not   allergy

        mean that they are allergic to fi nned fi sh
        such as salmon or trout even though fi nned
        fi sh have bony or cartilaginous support
        structures (skeletons).
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