Page 3 - BrockCoNewsletterMayJune-2022
P. 3

        Water is the basic unit for all of life, and our   Besides water, you can achieve your
        bodies are dependent upon it for survival.   daily hydration needs via fresh fruits and
        Water is used for recreational activities,   vegetables. Some of the most hydrating
        cleaning, and, most importantly, drinking.   fruits  and  vegetables  include  cucumbers,
        Over half of the human body is composed   watermelon,  tomatoes,  lettuce,  and
        of water. Water is essential for a healthy   zucchini. Another way to obtain water is
        body and assists with many processes. For   through  other  beverages,  such  as  coffee,
        example, it regulates body temperature,   milk, or juices. Recommendations suggest
        assists  digestion,  removes  waste  via  sweat   limiting the intake of sugar-sweetened
        and urine, and assists with satiety.   drinks, so why not try water infused with
        It is clear that we need to drink water daily,   fruit to add a little flavor to plain water?
        but how much water is enough? And what   The requirements for how much we should
        sources? Each person’s needs for water   drink are different for each individual.
        intake will vary, but the recommended   Excessive water intake can be potentially
        amount of water is about 15.5 cups per day   dangerous, so you should stick to the   ask the rdN:
        for men and 13 cups per day for women.   average recommendations and talk to your
        These  amounts  are  an  estimate,  and  it   doctor if  you have any concerns.  Most   WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE
        depends upon how much you exercise and   importantly, pick  up  a  water  bottle  and   BETWEEN LIGHT YOGURT AND
        sweat,  what foods you eat, and  your age   start drinking; it is fantastic for you!   NONFAT YOGURT?
        and weight. One simple way to know that   Source:                         Light yogurt offers a lower calorie version of
        you are hydrated is by assessing the color of                             regular yogurt. Generally, it contains sweetener
        your urine. Light yellow or colorless is the  in place of regular sugar to provide a lower
        optimal color of urine to indicate adequate   lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-  calorie option. Nonfat yogurt has used a lower-
        hydration. Feeling thirsty is also a simple   depth/water/art-20044256#:~:text=The%20  fat milk product to give an option lower in
        way to determine if you need some water.   U.S.%20National%20Academies%20  saturated fat and total fat than regular yogurt.
        Additionally, a lack of thirst can suggest   of,fluids%20a%20day%20for%20women   Often  these contain sugar and calories but,
        that you are hydrated.
                                                                                  generally do not contain sweeteners. Choosing
                                                                                  a plain, low-fat yogurt and adding fresh fruit
                                                                                  or flavored extract can offer a low sugar, great-
                                                                                  tasting alternative to these other yogurts.

                                                                                  I AM NOT SURE I GET ALL OF THE
                                                                                  NUTRIENTS MY BODY NEEDS.
                                                                                  SHOULD I TAKE A VITAMIN?
                                                                                  The best way to get the nutrients the body
                                                                                  needs is to vary what you eat daily. To get the
                                                                                  nutrients your body needs try not to eat the
                                                                                  same things twice in one day, vary the fruits
                                                                                  and vegetables eaten throughout the day and
                                                                                  eat lean protein-containing foods. Trying to
                                                                                  eat five servings of different colored produce
                                                                                  during the day can help get the vitamins
                                                                                  and nutrients you need. Also, eating a diet
                                                                                  of complex carbohydrates instead of refined
                                                                                  carbohydrates can help you get important
                                                                                  micronutrients. If you lack these categories,
                                                                                  you should do your best to adjust your intakes
                                                                                  as necessary. Consult your physician on taking
                                                                                  a multivitamin if you feel that you can't alter
                                                                                  your diet.

                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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