Page 5 - BrockCoNewsletterMayJune-2022
P. 5

Spice It Up: CUCUMBER JUICE  On The Rise:


        As the demands change for new flavors and
        food trends evolve, one item you may want
        to explore is yogurts. We usually think about
        yogurts as a sweet food, however, thinking
        outside the box of sweet flavors can offer
        many new and exciting options. Sweet heat,
        olive oil, and spicy are flavors to consider when
        creating a savory yogurt. Try adding avocado,
        nuts, bacon bits, sesame seeds, or dill to dress
        up your yogurt. Roasted vegetables, grated
        cucumbers, and even some grains will add
        flavor and a textural component. Experiment
        with  mix-ins  for  your  next  meal! Purchase
        some plain yogurt (Greek style or regular)
        and choose some flavor components to create
        your own version and serve with warm pita
        bread. Take some time and research how you
        can use savory or spicy yogurt at the dinner
        table instead of just at the breakfast table!

        Nutrition NOte: SUGAR ALCOHOLS

        With recent changes to the Nutrition Label,   provide fewer calories than added sugars but
        “added sugars” have been in the news lately.   still provide sweetness. In addition, they are
        The new requirements for food labels must   digested slower than regular sugar and require
        include the amount of added sugars in a food   little insulin to metabolize, thus making them
        item.  You will now see “Total Sugars” on a   a good option for those with diabetes.
        food label and then right below that “Added   Sugar alcohols commonly seen in processed
        Sugars.” Total Sugars are the sum of the   foods are mannitol, xylitol, isomalt, sorbitol,
        naturally occurring sugars a product contains   and hydrogenated sugar hydrolysates (HSH).
        plus any added sugars. Added Sugars refer to   While sugar alcohols provide another option
        any sugar/sugar-containing product used to   for a low sugar food item, there are some
        sweeten a food item. Added sugars can include   side effects when consumed in excess. They
        white sugar, honey, agave nectar, fruit juice,   do not break down like sugar, so they
        or any other item that provides a sweetness   sometimes can cause bloating, diarrhea,
        that is not naturally occurring in a food   or laxative-like effects. Ensure you check
        item. There are many ways to sweeten foods   food labels to determine what types of
        without adding items that add to total sugars.   products sweeten the foods you eat if you
        The most common are sugar alternatives and,   are sensitive to sugar alcohols. Be mindful
        recently, sugar alcohols.
                                             that sugar alcohols still contain calories, and
        Sugar alcohols are now being used in food   minimal insulin is required, so use your best
        production to create a sweet flavor but are   judgment when consuming products with
        not considered added sugars. How is this   sugar alcohols.
        possible, you might be asking? Well, these
        sugar alcohols or polyols are bulking agents   Source:
        used to sweeten foods. These “sugars”
        are naturally found in fruits or berries and   sugar-alcohol.aspx
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