Page 7 - BrockCoNewsletterMayJune-2022
P. 7


        Vitamin D is a vital nutrient needed for   been added to a food source to enhance the
        the body to complete many functions. It is   nutrient profile of that particular food.
        responsible for maintaining healthy bones   The recommended intake of vitamin D is
        and healthy teeth, and it plays a role in   400-800 IU per day. By regularly eating
        supporting brain function as well as the   foods  high  in vitamin  D combined with
        immune system. The body produces vitamin   some sun exposure, most people should
        D as a result of sun exposure. However, it   meet the recommended intake without using
        is still important to consume foods high in   a supplement. However, if you are unsure
        vitamin D, especially in the winter months   of your vitamin D levels, you may want to
        when there is less sunlight. Some foods   speak with your doctor.
        contain  vitamin  D  naturally,  while  other
        foods are fortified with vitamin D. A fortified   Source:
        food means that a vitamin or mineral has

                           DIETARY SOURCES OF VITAMIN D:

              Fatty fish like salmon or tuna            Fortified milk
                      Egg yolks                         Mushrooms
                       Cheese                      Fortified cereals or juices

                                             From the Kitchen:

                                             CANTALOUPE AND ARUGULA SALAD
                                             WITH POPPY SEED DRESSING
                                             Yield: 4 servings
                                             POPPY SEED DRESSING                  PREPARATION:
                                             INGREDIENTS:                         In a bowl, whisk together the dressing
                                             •  ⅔ cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt    ingredients until thoroughly combined. Add
                                             •  2 Tbsp. honey                     more honey to taste if the dressing is too
                                             •  2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar       tangy for you. Set aside.
                                             •  1 tsp. Dijon mustard              Combine the salad ingredients in a bowl or a
                                             •  1 tsp. poppy seeds                platter and toss or drizzle with the dressing.
                                             •  ⅛ tsp. black pepper               Serve and enjoy!
                                             •  ⅛ tsp. salt                       Adapted From:

                                             CANTALOUPE AND ARUGULA     
                                             SALAD INGREDIENTS:
                                             •   1 medium cantaloupe, washed, peeled, and   Nutrition Information Per Serving:
                                               cut into bite-sized pieces            Calories 147,  Total Fat .7g, Saturated Fat 0g,
                                                                                   Cholesterol 1g, Sodium 143 mg, Carbohydrates 30g,
                                             •  1 (5 oz.) bag of arugula, washed and dried  Fiber 2g, Sugar 28g, Protein 6g
                                             •  ¼ cup red onion, finely chopped
                                             •  Poppy Seed Dressing (see recipe)
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