Page 6 - BrockCoNewsletterMayJune-2022
P. 6

5 Steps to Help Prevent

             RISK FACTORS           GET ACTIVE            NUTRITION           BONE DENSITY            LIFESTYLE
             Age, gender, lifestyle,   Regular exercise is one of   Consuming calcium, vitamin D,   Ask your physician about the   Don't smoke, and limiting
                                                                                                    alcohol to no more than
              medical history, and
                                                                             10-minute painless test that
                                                          lean protein, fruits,
                                  the best ways to protect
             medical conditions can   against osteoporosis and   vegetables, and healthy fats  will help predict your risk  two drinks a day is best
              lead to bone loss.     broken bones.       is vital to maintaining  of breaking a bone.  for bone health.
                                                           healthy bones.
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        ALLergen AwareneSS: SHELLFISH ALLERGY

        Like so many other foods out there, shellfish   to Crustacea compared to Mollusks, with   someone you spend time with have a shellfish
        is a common food allergen. But, interestingly   shrimp being the most common shellfish   allergy. Shellfish can be hidden in items such
        enough, a shellfish allergy may not be present   allergen. However, having a shellfish allergy   as fish stock, seafood flavoring, fish sauce,
        during someone’s entire life span. About 60%   does not necessarily mean that there will also   and bouillabaisse, to name a few, so be sure
        of cases arise in adults, whereas most other   be an allergy to finned fish such as salmon,   to read labels thoroughly to ensure the food
        food allergies develop during childhood.   tuna, and halibut.             is safe. Avoiding shellfish when preparing
        There are two different groups of shellfish.   As with other food allergens, reactions can   meals and preventing cross-contamination
        The first is Crustacea, which includes shrimp,   range from mild to severe. In severe cases,   are essential rules in helping individuals
        crab, and lobster. The second group is known   using an epinephrine pen (EpiPen®) may be   manage their food allergies.
        as Mollusks/Bivalves, which includes clams,   necessary to prevent the onset of anaphylaxis   Source:
        mussels, oysters, squid (calamari), snails,   or breathing problems. It is important to
        and conch. Most people have an allergy   familiarize yourself with food labels if you or   allergens/shellfish-allergy
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