Page 4 - BrockCoNewsletterMayJune-2022
P. 4


                                             Regularly eating produce provides the   and keeps us hydrated. Making cucumber
                                             benefits of getting fiber, antioxidants,   juice is easy, but several options are available
                                             and lots of vitamins. But have you ever   at your local health food store if you prefer
                                             considered turning that produce into   something prepackaged. Be sure to read
                                             juice to experience similar benefits? If yes,   food labels and choose an option without
                                             cucumber juice may be for you.       added  ingredients  like  sugar  or  artificial
                                                                                  colors. Keep in mind that drinking vegetables
                                             Cucumber juice is beneficial because of what
                                             the vegetable itself has to offer. Cucumbers   provide many benefits; however, the juice
                                             contain antioxidants and can boost immunity.   does not provide the same fiber as eating the
                                             They are also high in B vitamins which   whole vegetable form, so be sure to vary your
                                             can help improve hair growth and improve   consumption.
                                             complexion.  In  addition,  cucumber  juice   Source:
                                             has hydrating benefits because it is mainly
                                             water; it helps the body remove excess salt   of-cucumber-juice
                                             retention or bloating, alleviates constipation,

        spotlight on superfOOds:


        Dark green leafy vegetables  like kale,
        spinach, or arugula fall into the superfoods   SUGGESTIONS FOR
        category. They are an excellent source of   INCORPORATING GREENS
        fiber, provide large amounts of vitamins A,
        C, K, are a good source of iron and folate,   • Add a handful to your smoothie
        and are high in phytochemicals that assist   • Use as a salad base
        in reducing the risk of certain cancers. It
        is important to note that dark leafy greens   •  Add cooked greens to pizza
        interact with blood thinners, so if you are   before baking
        on one, speak with your doctor, maintain   • Replace lettuce on sandwiches
        a consistent greens intake, and do not
        suddenly change your greens consumption.   •  Blend chopped or pureed greens
        However, regularly including these in your   into sauces
        diet can help to keep the body healthy from   •  Stir leaves into soup during the
        the inside out. These foods provide minimal   last minutes of cooking
        calories  but  many  nutrients,  which  is why
        they fall into this category. Including these
        superfoods will help you feel full longer,
        keep your cells healthy, and boost immunity.   Source:
        Whichever option you choose, do  so   greek-yoghurt-is-one-of-the-top-superfoods-of-
        regularly. See our From the Kitchen recipe,   the-world
        Cantaloupe and Arugula Salad, for a fun
        way to incorporate these into a salad.
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