Page 3 - ROOT by Brock SeptOct-2020
P. 3

Nutrition NOte: SUPERFOODS                                                ask the rdN:
        Believe it or not, there are more superfoods   Because superfood is such a broad term,   ARE THERE ANY TIPS FOR
        in the supermarket than you may think.   any food that is nutrient-rich, per serving
        The defi nition of a superfood is a nutrient-  falls into this category, typically, these are   FLAVORING PLAIN GREEK YOGURT
        rich food that is considered benefi cial for   plant-based foods; however, some fi sh   WITHOUT INCREASING MY ADDED
        health and well-being. This defi nition   and dairy products also are classifi ed as a   SUGAR INTAKE?
        opens the door to a wide variety of foods   superfood.                    Great question! Manufacturers add sugars to
        to fall into this category. Ultimately these                              fruited yogurt, fl avored Greek, and regular
        foods provide maximum nutrient benefi ts                                   yogurt, which can increase your added sugar
        with not a lot of calories.                                               intake. To limit your sugar consumption,
                                                                                  purchase plain Greek yogurt and try adding
                                                                                  fresh or frozen fruit to add natural sweetness
                               SUPERFOODS INCLUDE                                 and your favorite extract, like vanilla or lemon,
                                                                                  to add to the fl avor profi le.

             •  Dark Leafy Greens               •  Seeds                          ARE THERE VEGAN OPTIONS THAT
              (Kale, Swiss Chard, Spinach,        (Pumpkin, Sunflower,            CONTAIN OMEGA 3 OR OMEGA 6
              Turnip Greens)                      Chia, Flaxseed)
                                                                                  FATTY ACIDS?
             •  Berries                         • Garlic                          Several vegan foods contain small amounts
              (Strawberry, Blueberry,           • Olive Oil
              Blackberry, Cranberry, Raspberry)                                   of omega-3 fatty acids—walnuts, chia seeds,
                                                •  Salmon                         fl ax seeds, edamame, kidney beans, and
             •  Legumes
              (Lentils, Peas, Soybeans, Alfalfa)  •  Avocado                      seaweed or algae are examples. If you are
                                                                                  looking for a vegan option for omega-3 or
             • Green Tea                        •  Sweet Potato
                                                                                  omega-6 fatty acids, there is a plant-based
             • Eggs                             •  Seaweed                        source called Ahifl ower that has a good ratio
             •  Nuts                            •  Mushrooms                      of both. Pressing the seeds produces an
              (Almonds, Pecans, Brazil          •  Beets                          omega-rich oil. This oil can be an excellent
               Nuts, Pistachios, Walnuts,                                         alternative  for  increasing  intakes  of  these
              Cashews, Peanuts)                 •  Ancient Grains                 fatty acids for those who are vegan or those
                                                  (Quinoa, Millet, Teff,
             •  Kefir or Greek Yogurt                                             who do not like, or are allergic to, fi sh oil.
                                                  Sorghum, Amaranth)
                                                                                  WHAT SHOULD I EAT BEFORE AND
                                                                                  AFTER I WORKOUT?
                                                                                  To optimize your workout, it is important
                                                                                  to jump start your body before engaging in
                                                                                  exercise, so your body knows there is fuel
                                                                                  to burn during your workout. Try eating
                                                                                  a serving of carbohydrates as well as a small
                                                                                  serving of protein, such as peanut butter
                                                                                  and a banana, or an apple and a glass of low
                                                                                  fat  milk,  all  options  will  be  easily  digestible
                                                                                  and provide fuel for your workout. Eating
                                                                                  carbohydrates before the workout provides
                                                                                  fuel for the muscles and the protein can help
                                                                                  with optimizing your workout. Following the
                                                                                  workout, you will want to replenish what was
                                                                                  lost during the exercise. You will want to focus
                                                                                  on eating lean protein in addition to  eating
                                                                                  some complex carbohydrates. Eating a lean
                                                                                  protein like hard-boiled eggs with a piece of
                                                                                  whole-grain bread or tuna with whole-grain
                                                                                  crackers are a good choice. Be sure to hydrate
                                                                                  before during and after your workout too!

                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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