Page 5 - ROOT by Brock SeptOct-2020
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        Are you looking for an activity that can be fun   Skating at a leisurely pace is also benefi cial
        for all ages? Try roller skating! This activity   for the body as it can burn up to 600 calories
        is  excellent  for  cardiovascular  health  and   an hour. Also, roller skating strengthens
        strengthening  joints,  while  also  providing   the heart, arms, and legs while improving
        a  heart-healthy  workout.  Roller  skates  and   endurance and balance. There is little added
        a helmet are all you need to get started.   stress  on  the  joints  compared  to  running,
        Padding may be of benefi t for younger   which can cause impact shock. Also, mental
        children or participants new to the sport.   health often improves. Skating outside
                                             exposes the mind to an adrenaline rush,
        You can skate anywhere! From sidewalks to
        roller rinks — this activity can be a sport   immersed  in  sunlight  and  fresh  air,  while
        or a leisure activity just for fun. Have you   skating indoors provides a fun experience
        ever heard of roller derby? Roller derby   too, as most rinks involve fl ashing lights, a
        combines the joy of roller skating with the   disco ball, and loud music.
        fun of a contact sport. It takes training to be   Source:
        played on roller skates and can contribute to
        intensifying one’s activity level.   healthy_lifestyles/August_10.pdf


        Hydroponic gardens are popping up    system that requires placement of the plants
        everywhere. These gardens are ones where   in a Styrofoam holding unit, which sits on
        produce grow WITHOUT using soil. How   top of the water and nutrient solution. It is
        can  that  be?  Hydroponic  gardens  facilitate   best for plants that are “long-lived” such as
        growth by placing  seeds into a solution  of   tomatoes. The fi nal, most complex system, is
        water and nutrients. These systems vary in   the ebb and fl ow system. This option provides
        size with larger units needing plenty of room,   water to the plant then the water drains back
        or other smaller options being ideal for home   into the reservoir. The benefi t of this system
        tabletop use.                        is that you can set the timer to customize the
                                             plants you decide to grow, and any produce
        The  benefi ts  of  growing  lettuce  or  other
        produce in a hydroponic garden are endless.   can be grown in this environment.
        The  plants  grow  faster,  producing  a  larger   There are several types of systems to choose   Types of produce that are best grown in
        plant yield.  Since no soil is necessary, they   from, depending on the space available and   hydroponic gardens:
        are perfect for places like cafeterias, dining   the growing conditions. Light is also required    • Greens (lettuce, spinach, kale)
        halls, and kitchens, and ultimately they save   for the hydroponic garden to function    •  Herbs
        water since the water is recycled during the   correctly and for maximum growth. There
        growing process.                     are lights associated with the apparatus and    •  Tomatoes
                                                                                   •  Strawberries
        There are three main types of hydroponic   vary depending on the size and location of the    •  Hot Peppers
        gardens available on the market. The fi rst and   garden. Some other factors that contribute
        most basic type is called a Wick system. It is   to the growth of the produce include room   Source:
        excellent for growing smaller items like herbs   conditions, water quality, and the nutrients
        or peppers. The second is a water culture   provided during the growth stages.   hydroponics-1939215
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