Page 6 - ROOT by Brock SeptOct-2020
P. 6

        September is cholesterol education month   and whole) do not contain any cholesterol.
        and seems to be the perfect time for discussing   But eating foods that are processed that
        dietary fats and cholesterol and the fact that   contain  certain  ingredients  like  palm oil  or
        not all of these foods are created equal.   palm kernel oil negatively a ect your body’s

        Cholesterol is something that naturally exists   cholesterol level.
        in the body and also exists in some, but not   Eating foods high in fi ber can help remove
        all, foods. There are two types of cholesterol:   extra cholesterol from the GI tract. Fiber
        HDL (high-density lipid-proteins), the good   binds to negative cholesterol and is excreted.
        cholesterol  and LDL  (low-density lipid-  Some dietary oils can also help keep the good
        proteins), the bad cholesterol. The HDL   cholesterol. Olive oil, canola oil, sunfl ower
        helps keep the body healthy and the LDL’s   oil, and soybean oil can all help keep the good
        contribute to clogging arteries and can   cholesterol high and keep the bad cholesterol
        directly a ect cardiovascular health.   from getting higher. Try using these oils in

        Animal-based foods — meats, fi sh, poultry,   baking or cooking instead of using butter or
        eggs, and dairy all contain dietary cholesterol.   margarine. Also, placing the focus on eating a
        Lowfat or nonfat dairy options have had the   variety of foods at every meal, especially plant-
        cholesterol removed. Any plant-based foods:   based foods and whole grains, each can help
        fruits, vegetables, and grains (both refi ned   keep your cholesterol in check.

        A ergen Awarene : SESAME
        Having an allergy to sesame has been on the   dangerous one. Alternate names for sesame   Source:
        rise over the last two decades. Although it   include tahini, sesamol, sesemolina, halvah,
        is not currently on the “common allergen   or benne seed.                 allergy-essentials/common-allergens/sesame
        list,” it might be soon. With the increase in   Allergic reactions to sesame
        sesame allergies noted, it is important to be   vary from person to
        sure precautions are taken into consideration   person, and in severe cases
        when coming into contact with an individual   the use of an EpiPen  may
        that has this type of allergy.
                                             be necessary. Be sure to
        With sesame’s wide use in food preparation,   read food labels and sanitize
        it helps to know the common ways  it is   food preparation areas when
        incorporated. From being used as a spice in   preparing food for a person
        Asian cuisine to an ingredient in hummus,   with a sesame allergy.
        it is easy to mistake a safe food from a
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