Page 3 - BrockCoNewsletterJanFeb-2021
P. 3

Fitne  F us: SPINNING                                                     ask the rdN:
        What sport requires a stationary bike,   BENEFITS OF SPINNING INCLUDE:    WHEN I AM GETTING READY TO
        loud music, and a high energy instructor?   • Burning calories e  ciently

        The answer is spinning, also known as                                     PLAY SPORTS, WHAT IS THE BEST
        indoor cycling. Traditionally, spinning is   • Improves cardiovascular health  FOOD TO EAT TO INCREASE MY
        a group activity that takes place in a gym   • Individual pacing for any level of activity  PERFORMANCE AND KEEP ME
        or spinning studio. However, this workout   • Builds lean muscle          ENERGIZED?
        has recently made a virtual transition, now                               If  you  are  looking  for  something  to  eat
        o ering  instructor-based  spin  classes  to   • Strengthens the core     just  before  your  game,  it  is  important  to

        stream right from home with services like   • Improves mental focus       include whole grains and a protein source
        Peloton .  The only  necessary  equipment                                 while watching the fat content of the foods.
        for this activity is a stationary bike. Some   • Provides a sense of community  Consuming a nut butter sandwich with a
        prefer to wear cycling shoes that connect   As with any new exercise, check with your   banana or whole-grain cereal with milk and
        to the bike’s pedals, but these are not   health care provider before starting spinning.  fruit is also a good option. Following the
        necessary to engage in the sport.                                         game, replenish your protein stores with a
                                                                                  quick glass of chocolate milk or by eating lean
                                                                                  protein like grilled chicken or fi sh. Protein and
                                                                                  whole grains are the best way to keep your
                                                                                  muscles performing their best.
                                                                                  I HAVE BEEN TOLD IT IS BAD TO EAT
                                                                                  AFTER DINNER, BUT I AM ALWAYS
                                                                                  HUNGRY BEFORE I GO TO BED. IS IT
                                                                                  OK TO EAT LATE?
                                                                                  Believe it or not, you should eat something
                                                                                  nutritious a few hours after you have dinner,
                                                                                  before bed. Be sure you are eating a well-
                                                                                  balanced dinner meal. To do this, you will
                                                                                  need to incorporate all of the macronutrients
                                                                                  in your meal including a source of whole grain
                                                                                  carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats,
                                                                                  as well as fruits or vegetables and perhaps a
                                                                                  source of low-fat dairy. This practice will help
                                                                                  you to feel fuller longer after your dinner meal.
                                                                                  It is essential to include a healthy snack after
                                                                                  dinner to keep your metabolism running. The
                                                                                  longer the amount of time between dinner and
                                                                                  breakfast, the more chance you have of slowing
                                                                                  down your metabolism. The body requires fuel
                                                                                  to burn calories. By eating a healthy snack before
                                                                                  bed, this will decrease the window of time your
                                                                                  body is NOT receiving fuel for energy. The
                                                                                  shorter the window between snacks or meals,

                                                                                  the more e ciently your body will burn fuel.
                                                                                  Some examples of good nighttime snacks are:
                                                                                  a piece of fruit, like an apple or banana, topped
                                                                                  with peanut butter (the type that requires
                                                                                  stirring), a bowl of whole grain cereal with low-
                                                                                  fat or non-fat milk, avocado spread on whole
                                                                                  grain toast, or a handful of nuts and a cheese
                                                                                  stick. You want to be sure your snack includes a
                                                                                  protein source or a healthy fat source and some
                                                                                  whole grain carbohydrates.

                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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