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P. 3

        Balance is like air in your tires – something   the ground. Perform three sets. For a
        you don’t think about until there’s a   challenge, do this with your eyes closed.
        problem with it. Good stability reduces the

        likelihood of falls for older people. Plus,    •  Lift your heels o  the fl oor 2 to 3 inches
        balance helps everyone climb stairs or walk.  for ten seconds. Do three set of 10 lifts
                                              in one session. Lightly hold onto a chair
        In addition to the infl uence balance and   if you need support.
        stability have on physical health, they
        impact mental health. Balance problems can    •  With your feet a hip-width apart, bend
        negatively impact quality of life. For example,   your knees as if you are sitting on a chair.
        people who live with Ménière’s  disease   Focus  on  pushing  through  your heels
        (an inner ear disorder than causes severe   and tighten your core muscles as you
        dizziness, ringing in the ears, a feeling of   come down. Stop the movement when
        congestion in the ears, and hearing loss)   your thighs are parallel  to the ground.
        or vertigo, stay home, avoid showers, stop   Keep your knees pointed straight ahead.
        reading and watching television, and other   Do three sets of 15 reps of this squat.
        common activities to reduce the risk of falls,   These movements don’t require special   ask the rdN:
        collisions, nausea, and confusion.
                                            equipment or clothing. Generally, they
        Of course, yoga, tai chi, and exercises that   aren’t strenuous so you won’t break out in a   CAN I DO ANYTHING WITH MY
        strengthen abs and obliques are great for   sweat. Try them at work, while waiting for   FOOD SCRAPS?
        increasing stability and balance. Here are a   a bus, or during a long fl ight.  You can do a lot to reduce food waste in
        few movements that can also improve both:                                 your home! For example, save your vegetable
                                                                                  peels for stock; regrow vegetables like celery,
         •  Walk heel to toe for 20 steps. Use a wall  cabbage, and green onions by putting their
          for a little support.             for-balance/

                                                                                  stalks in water; use old co ee grounds as
         •  Stand on one foot for 30 seconds while  fertilizer in your garden; and compost what
          holding the other 6 to 12 inches o      fi tness/fi tness-basics/balance-exercise  you cannot use. Little changes add up, so
                                                                                  start with something  small,  like  saving food
                                                                                  scraps for stock, before going on to the next
                                                                                  I’M TIRED OF COOKING THE SAME
                                                                                  FOODS. HOW CAN I MAKE MY
                                                                                  DINNERS MORE EXCITING?
                                                                                  It can be very easy to get into a cooking rut.
                                                                                  One easy way to revamp your meals and get re-
                                                                                  inspired is to try a new ingredient in a favorite
                                                                                  recipe. You can also turn to the internet. Type
                                                                                  a few keywords into a search, and thousands
                                                                                  of recipes pop up within seconds. Love the
                                                                                  foods that your friends cook? Ask them to
                                                                                  swap recipes! Set parameters (one-pot, under
                                                                                  45 minutes, vegetarian, etc.) and see what
                                                                                  they share. If you have children, getting them
                                                                                  involved in the process can be a help, too.
                                                                                  Ask  them  to  choose  one  vegetable  or  one
                                                                                  component of the meal and have them help
                                                                                  you prepare it for the night. If all else fails, keep
                                                                                  it simple and let your family customize their

                                                                                  meal with di erent toppings, like fresh herbs,
                                                                                  spices, sauces, or salsas.
                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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