Page 7 - BrockCoNewsletter-MarApr-2023.indd
P. 7

        A seed is a source of life and many beneficial   arthritis-fi ghting nutrients, fl ax contains a   It’s  easy  to fortify your  foods  with seeds. A

        nutritional and immune-boosting compounds.   chemical that wards o  cancer.   combination of flax, hemp, and chia with whole
        Not only that, seeds also add remarkable fl avors   Seeds are fi lled with nutrients, but they may   grain oats, nuts, and fresh or dried fruits make

        to all types of food, including bread, cereals,   have to be prepared in specifi c ways to get   muesli, a filling cereal or topping for yogurt.
        cakes, and stews.                    the most out  of them. The body absorbs   Substitute pumpkin seeds for chickpeas for

        Surprisingly, chia and fl axseeds are bursting   the nutrients in fl axseed in powder form.   hummus with a light yet distinctive flavor. The

        with omega-3 fatty acids. A tablespoon of   Chia should be served with water or milk,   slightly nutty flavor and crunchy bits in lemon
        poppy  seeds  has  10%  of  your  daily  calcium   or soaked in water to create a gelatinous   poppy cake come from the poppy seed.
        requirement. Pumpkin seeds boast bone-  substance from which the body can easily   Make seeds a part of your everyday diet for
        building magnesium. Pumpkin seed, hemp,   extract benefi cial compounds. No special   welcome fl avor, texture, and nutrition.
        and chia, which technically is a nut, protect   prep is  needed to get the  health benefi ts   Source:
        the heart. Hemp is a complete protein source   of pumpkin, sunfl ower, sesame, and poppy
        that contains all nine amino acids, one of   seeds. Just pop them in your mouth. While   seeds-to-eat/
        which  reduces  the  risk  of developing heart   all the seeds taste pretty good raw, roasting
        disease. In addition to its heart-healthy and   them brings out heartier fl avors.  quick-start-guide-to-nuts-and-seeds

        From the Kitchen:


        Serves 6                             Heat the remaining tablespoon of olive oil
        INGREDIENTS:                         in a large, deep skillet or Dutch oven over
        ¼ cup + 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil  medium-high. Add the mushrooms and
                                             cook for three minutes, until they become
        3 cloves garlic, smashed and peeled
                                             tender and liquid becomes visible in the
        14 ounces oyster mushrooms, chopped
                                             pan. Add half of the spinach and cook for
        6 ounces fresh baby spinach (about 4 cups)  two more minutes, until it is wilted.
        1 pound orecchiette pasta, cooked according   Stir in the pasta and cook for one more
        to the package directions
                                             minute. Remove from the heat and stir
        1 lemon, zested and juiced           in the remaining spinach. It will wilt only
        1 teaspoon fi ne sea salt             slightly. Next, discard the garlic cloves and
        ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper       pour the oil over the pasta. Add the lemon
        Shaved Parmesan cheese (optional)    zest, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Toss all
                                             ingredients to mix well.
                                             Serve warm, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.
        Pour ¼ cup of the olive oil into a small   Source:
        saucepan and heat until warm over low heat,
        about two minutes. Only warm the oil, do   oyster-mushroom-and-spinach-orecchiette-
        not allow it to bubble or simmer. Remove  with-garlic-and-lemon/
        from the heat and add the garlic cloves. Let
        it sit while you are preparing the rest of the   Nutrition Information (1 cup serving):
        meal. Stir occasionally.                Calories 450, Total Fat 16g, Saturated Fat 3.5g,
                                                 Unsaturated Fat 12.5g, Cholesterol 10mg,
                                                Sodium 260mg, Carbohydrates 63g, Fiber 5g,
                                                       Sugar 4g, Protein 17g
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