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Seasonal Highlights: FOOD WASTE

        A recent report from Refed revealed that   to food quality, not safety. If an item   or friends, or donate them. Check

        37% of the United States’ food waste comes   has no mold, o  smell, discoloration,   out to fi nd a community
        from homes. So let this Earth Month be   or signifi cant change in texture or   refrigerator near you. Of course, local
        the start of a zero food-waste habit. This   appearance, it’s fi ne to eat.   food banks also accept canned and
        new lifestyle starts by doing things a little    •  Freeze. Storing many foods at very low   nonperishable items.
        di erently.                            temperatures can extend their lifespans up   To reduce the amount of greenhouse

        Here are a few ways to eliminate household   to 12 months. Freeze leftovers in single   emissions bubbling up from landfi lls, keep
        food waste:                            portions so that the correct amount can   as much food out of them as possible. This
                                               be thawed and eaten.               practice is good for your environment,
         •  Shop with a plan. Buying groceries with
          a purpose increases the likelihood you    •  Be a clever chef. If you end up with more   wallet, and community.
          will consume them. Plan your menu for   food than planned, don’t throw it away.   Source:
          the  week  and  get  ingredients  that  will   Add leftover meats, vegetables, fruits,
          work for more than one meal.         mushrooms, and herbs to soups, stews,   america/
         •  Understand food labels. Labels are   salads, or desserts.   
          guides, not laws. “Expires on,” “Use by,”    •  Share. If there’s no way you can use   expiration-dates-and-date-labels
          “Best before,” and “Sell by” dates refer   some groceries, o er them to neighbors

        Nutrition Note: NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH

        Join the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics                                 body, so eating di erent foods, including
        and registered dietitians in celebrating                                    your favorite cultural dishes, is essential.
        National  Nutrition  Month®.  National                                      Fresh, frozen, and canned foods are similar
        Nutrition Month originated to promote                                       in nutrient quality, so consider utilizing all
        positive behaviors and habits to stay healthy.                              of them. Frozen and canned foods usually
        This March, focus on how you can Fuel for                                   cost less than their fresh versions and take
        the Future® by examining how food and                                       less time to cook.
        beverage choices impact your health and well-                             •  Making tasty foods at home. When you
        being now and over time.
                                                                                    cook at home, you control what is going
        You and your family can lay the foundation for                              on your plate. You can customize fl avors,
        a healthy future by:                                                        ingredients, and preparation methods while

        •  Eating with the environment in mind.                                     meeting your and your family’s nutritional
          Purchase more seasonal produce, locally                                   needs. Plus, you’ll spend less money
          grown foods, and brands focused on   can be a ordable, especially with proper   cooking at home than dining at a restaurant.

          sustainable practices. Try including meatless   planning. Create a shopping list that includes   Encourage  your  family  or  friends  to  eat
          or plant-forward meals in your diet.                                      together (even virtually) when possible.
                                               seasonal produce, plant-based proteins, and
        •  Visiting a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist   canned and frozen fruit and vegetables.   Many things infl uence our health, including
          (RDN). Dietitians can help you navigate   Community resources like SNAP,  WIC,   what we eat. Contact a registered dietitian if
          your unique nutrition concerns. They are   and food pantries and banks are helpful   you are having trouble meeting your or your
          nutrition  experts.  Ask  your  primary  care   programs that o er food assistance to those   family’s nutritional needs. They can provide

          provider for a referral and fi nd an RDN   who are eligible.             individualized recommendations to help you
          specializing in your needs.        •  Consuming a variety of foods from   fuel for the future.
        •  Staying nourished and saving money.   every food group. Varying your food   Source:
          The cost of groceries can add up, making   choices  helps you get all the nutrients
          eating healthy and managing your needs   needed to stay healthy now and as you age.   month-2023
          challenging.  However,  nourishing  foods   Each food group plays a role in fueling your
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