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        The chiltepin pepper is having a moment now.   heat. The chiltepin’s strong roots in Texas
        A cult following has developed around the   culture led that state legislature to name the

        chili with a strong but short-lived kick.  pepper the o  cial state native pepper.
        Hundreds of tiny oval-shaped chiltepin   Like most chili peppers, the heat comes from
        peppers grow wild on thigh-high bushes in   the chemical capsaicin. You may recognize the
        an area that stretches from Southwestern   word from a popular category of topical pain
        United States through northern Mexico.   relievers. Capsaicin causes the brain to release
        This  red  pepper  has  been  a  staple  of  the   endorphins, an act that works as a natural pain
        diets of the indigenous populations of these   reliever.
        areas for centuries. Fresh or dried, chiltepins   Online stores are the most common way to
        aren’t for the  faint of heart (or stomach).   get the pepper for those not fortunate enough
        Just two or three peppers can spice up a pot   to live near chiltepin bushes. But, remember:
        of chili. The heat from the chiltepin reaches   A little goes a long way.
        100,000 on the Scoville scale; the jalapeño
        measures 5,000.                      Source:

        This pepper brings the heat to stews, soups,
        beans, salsa, and any food that needs a little   texas-primer-the-chilipiquin/
        fi re. Texans grab a few peppers from a bush
        and mix them with vinegar for a spicy sauce   pepper-types/medium-hot-chili-peppers/
        that gives everything from eggs to tacos a little

        spotlight on superf ds:


        People think of yeast as something that gives   (about 8 grams per serving) and contains all
        bread height and creates alcohol in beer. But   nine essential amino acids that our bodies
        did you know nutritional yeast can also add a   cannot produce. The body uses these amino
        cheesy or nutty fl avor to di erent foods?  acids to make protein. Vegans using it as a

        Nutritional yeast (or “nooch,” as fans call it)   nutritional supplement should choose a
        is grown on a medium that is high in sugar,   brand  fortifi ed  with  B12,  a  nutrient  not
        like molasses. After several days, the yeast is   found naturally in plants.
        heated, pasteurized, and dried. During these   Nutritional yeast is packed with antioxidants.
        processes, yeast cells die, and cell walls break   These compounds attack free radicals, cells
        down, releasing amino acids, the source   that increase the risk of developing serious
        of yeast’s umami fl avor. The dried yeast is   disorders, like heart disease and cancer.
        pressed into fl akes or ground into powder.   With just 10 calories a spoonful, nutritional
        Fans sprinkle it on popcorn, potatoes, tofu,   yeast is an easy way to perk up snacks,
        and pasta.                           soups, and pasta and beef up your body’s
        Because this additive is a good source of   defense system.
        complete  protein,  it’s  often  found  in  the   Sources:
        pantries  of  fans  of  vegan  cuisine.  Nutritional
        yeast is a delicious thickener and flavoring for

        stocks, sauces, and soups. Curiously, nutritional   nutritional-yeast#vitamin-b-12
        yeast has a salty taste but contains no sodium.
        This compound is a good source of protein   nutritional-yeast
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