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            very strong opposition. The importance of the   Another dynamic committee is the Recruit-  the behaviors that lead to discrimination. Change
            showing, however, was that discussion — and even   ment, Orientation, and Education (ROE) com-  takes time, but we are committed to becoming truly
            disagreement — was encouraged.     mittee, whose purpose is to “provide the Court   a diverse and inclusive Court that meets its mis-
              As a Court, we have made a concerted effort   with strategies and opportunities that will foster an   sion of providing “a forum for the fair, impartial,
            to recruit and develop a more diverse workforce   employee community that is diverse in experience,   and timely resolution of civil and criminal cases.”
            and a more diverse leadership. Beyond additional   thought, and vision.” The Committee conducted
            scrutiny and effort in our hiring process, we also   a staff survey to learn about how they were re-
            looked at our internal policies, procedures, and   cruited, and to gather suggestions for improving   Alida J. Moonen, PhD, is the Director of Training
            communication efforts. After the daylong educa-  the process. The consensus was that we need to   and Development for the Cuyahoga County Court
            tion sessions in 2017, committees were formed.   recruit proactively to ensure diversity amongst   of Common Pleas. She has been an associate
            One focuses on communications, working closely   our highly qualified applicants. The Commit-  CMBA member since 2018, and serves on the
            with various departments to create and deliver   tee has also served the public by putting on an   Stoke Scholars Committee. Alida can be reached
            the various monthly observances and events that   Employment and Resource Fair for probationers.  at
            we now hold.                         Perhaps the most important legacy of our ef-
              Our Policy and Procedures committee works   forts is the synergy that has developed within and
            to ensure that policies, both specific to employees   between departments. Judge Russo said, “Tell me   Laura W. Creed is the Legal Support
            and those that impact our clients, are fair and that   what you want. Tell me how I can make this work   Coordinator for the Cuyahoga County
            best practices prevail. For example, the committee   for you.” We responded. Staff at all levels stepped   Court of Common Pleas. Ms. Creed
            helped our Probation Lab to clarify how we ensure   forward, supporting efforts, attending events, par-  has been with the Court since 1995,
            the privacy and dignity of our transgender clients   ticipating in committees, and honoring others’   previously serving as the Chief Judicial
            when they come in for testing. The issue is surpris-  opinions during discussions to create an energy that   Staff Attorney and as the Assistant Chief Judicial Staff
            ingly complex, given the need for a practical, easily   promotes civil discourse and respect. People from   Attorney. She is a lifetime member of the 8th District
            communicated solution that ensures security of the   different departments are finding ways to work   Judicial Conference and has been a member of the
            samples, but also respects the dignity of the client.   with each other in new and interesting ways. Eyes   CMBA since 2003. She currently serves as the Co-Chair
            One of the best parts of the process, was how diverse   and hearts are open, and the energy is palpable.   of the Women in Law Section and is a member of the
            members of the Court have come together in this   Plans for 2019 include even more monthly aware-  Diversity and Inclusion Committee as well as the
            committee to learn about this issue, and then to work   ness events, cultural celebrations, and a major edu-  Court Rules Committee. She can be reached at
            together to come up with a recommended policy.   cational effort called Civil Treatment that addresses   (216) 348-4011 or

                                 When it comes to diversity at Tucker Ellis,
                                   a picture is worth a thousand words ...

                We salute the CMBA’s continued commitment to diversity and inclusion.

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            March 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 15
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