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BarJournal                   HEALTH CARE LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEaTUrE             access your Mental Health

                               Insurance Benefits, Too

                                                                                                 BY RITA BRYCE

            f your health insurance plan offered to   The reason insurance companies put mental   day-to-day functioning, relationships, family
            pay for a gym membership, would you   health on par with physical health is because they   background, trauma or abuse, education, health
            consider joining a gym? If you had a chronic   are the same thing. Mental health is integral to   history, medications, history of substance abuse,
            cough would you take advantage of health   and inseparable from overall health. The things   exercise, nutrition, spirituality or religion and
        I insurance to get treatment? If you noticed   that occupy the mind affect heart rate, blood   leisure activities, the things the patient enjoys in
        you were feeling markedly worried, down or   pressure, digestion and the immune system.   life. Sometimes the patient may not see questions
        listless, would you think about taking advantage   Real physical symptoms, such as a racing heart   as relevant. For instance, it is fundamentally
        of your insurance to get treatment?   rate, unexplained pain, or shortness of breath,   important for the therapist to assess whether each
          Most of us understand that health insurance   can be manifestations of mental health issues.   patient is suicidal. The most effective way to get
        pays for treatment and prevention of physical  The medical profession has been aware of the   this information is usually to ask the question
        ailments. The ABA and the CMBA Committee   interconnectedness of mental and physical health   directly. Some patients may be confused or
        on Mental Health and Wellness have been   for some time. But, because of stigma attached   surprised by such a question, but the question
        working to normalize treatment for mental   to treatment for mental health issues, the legal   is essential to keeping a patient safe. Once all
        health concerns, as well, so that lawyers attend   profession is still catching up with the idea that   this information is assessed and a diagnosis is
        to their whole health. The National Institute of   mental and physical health are seamless components   developed, future sessions focus on treatment.
        Mental Health found in 2016 that 18% of the   of overall health, both requiring regular maintenance.   Therapists may specialize in different approaches
        U.S. adult population experienced some type of   Patients seek out a therapist for many of the   to address behavioral issues, though most employ
        mental health issue. By comparison, a 2016 ABA   same reasons clients hire a lawyer: They have   more than one approach because patients present
        sponsored study of 13,000 practicing lawyers   experienced a trauma, or there is a chronic   a variety of issues. Two of the most commonly
        found the following: 28% experience some level   issue in their lives or businesses, and they need   applied are psychodynamic psychotherapy (usually
        of depression, 19% suffer from anxiety and 23%   help addressing that issue. They want to get in   just referred to as psychotherapy) and cognitive
        struggled generally with excessive stress.   control of their lives, and they need someone to   behavioral therapy. Both approaches are generally
          If your health insurance provides mental   guide them through that process to resolution.   covered by health insurance plans for therapists
        health and substance abuse disorder benefits, they   Looking through this lens, perhaps more lawyers   who are designated providers for the plan.
        are available on par with physical health benefits   will view — or even consider recommending —   Psychotherapy patients usually see a therapist
        such as doctor and hospital visits. The Federal   mental health treatment for colleagues, clients and   weekly. In the context of a trusting relationship
        Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act   themselves, as a normal component of health care.   between patient and therapist, through talking,
        (2008) generally requires parity between benefits   In this context two questions arise: What   the patient gains access to unconscious thoughts
        for mental health and substance abuse disorders,   mental health benefits will insurance typically   and feelings that negatively affect current
        and benefits for medical and surgical treatments.   cover (after deductibles, of course)? What will   behaviors. With the patient’s overarching goals
        If your primary care physician is a provider under   a patient’s experience be like?   in mind the therapist listens for patterns. Through
        your insurance plan and you pay a co-pay for   The first covered visit to a therapist is termed the   psychotherapy the patient finds words for
        a primary care visit, then you would likely also   Mental Health Assessment. In this visit the therapist   previously unconscious feelings. Without words
        pay a similar co-pay for a mental health therapist   gathers information that will lead to a diagnosis   for experience, people sometimes “act out.” They
        who is a provider under your plan.   which informs treatment. Much like a lawyer looks at   feel intensely without knowing why and develop
          Insurers may offer monetary incentives to   the code, or common law, to fit the facts to elements,   physical or behavioral symptoms. By learning a
        members to meet incremental health care goals   a therapist assesses the symptoms a client exhibits   language of feelings, the patient builds “emotional
        that are likely to lead to improved health. These   to determine a diagnosis. Also, similar to a lawyer’s   muscle” to exercise in future relationship issues.
        incentives apply to physical and mental health.   first interview with a client, a therapist will have a   When feelings are expressed in words there is
        My insurance company offers a financial incentive   great deal of information to gather, but typically   less need to express feelings through maladaptive
        (about $120 a year) if I check in online weekly   this information comes out in a conversation rather   behavior or bodily symptoms.
        and track not only my exercise and eating habits,   than a stilted set of interrogatories.   In contrast, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
        but also if I give a rating of my stress level (low   For the most part the first therapy appointment   is a structured approach designed to achieve change
        to high, 1 to 5) and my mood (“Happy,” “Okay,”   is an opportunity to engage with another person   in specific behaviors. CBT assumes that certain
        “Down” or “Sad,” as depicted by increasingly   and unburden yourself of problems in a supportive   situations trigger negative, automatic thoughts,
        gloomy facial expression emojis).   context. A therapist will gather information on   termed cognitive distortions, that result in
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