Page 20 - Mar2019_BarJournal
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In Honor and remembrance of the lawyers and Judges of Cleveland and
Cuyahoga County who passed away between January 1 – december 31, 2018
Monday, april 8 at noon
CMBA Conference Center Auditorium
A memorial program will be held for the following members of the bench and bar who passed away over
the past year . Family, friends, colleagues and all lawyers in the Cleveland and Cuyahoga County area are
invited to share in this final tribute to honor these men and women.
RichaRd Van agopian coRey w. FRost donna Jacqueline poweRs
aRthuR d. austin don edgaR FulleR dudley b. Rolla
Kenneth “Robin” eaRl MaRtin thoMas galVin Jacob isaac RosenbauM
banKs, JR.
FRanK K. isaac oliVeR edwaRd seiKel
howaRd Russell besseR
andRew lee Johnson, sR. gene e. shooK, sR.
Kenneth b. buRns
daVid aRon Katz alan iRa shoRR
hon. annette gaRneR butleR
geoRge edwaRd Mastics J. noRMan staRK
John hugh caRlin
donald williaM MoRRison
hon. caRl Julius chaRacteR MaRilyn tobocMan
daVid John cooK Joseph J. nagy patRicK John tulley
hon. daniel o. coRRigan RichaRd ahlMan oViatt MagistRate thoMas
lisa MaRie deFilippis thoMas paRis Joseph VozaR
RichaRd “dicK” Klein desMond saMuel segal peaRlMan RobeRt collins webeR
for more information, please contact krista kalata at
(216) 696-3525 ext. 2224 or
The CMBA has made every effort to compile a complete list of the attorneys and
judges in Cuyahoga County who have passed away over the past year . If you are aware
of a name that has been omitted from this list, please contact Krista Kalata .
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