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            maladaptive behavior. CBT techniques are designed   he is observing another person in a neutral fashion,   preferred providers. This varies among insurance
            to get the patient to look directly at those cognitive   without judgement. The therapist and the patient   companies. Some insurers provide no benefits for
            distortions and reframe them in a more realistic   then identify a measurable behavior to change. An   these “out-of-network” providers. For patients who
            way. The patient then adjusts behavior based on   example of a measurable goal is making it through   do not have insurance or choose to go to an out-of-
            rational thought. The following are examples of   at least three meetings in a week without having   network therapist who is not covered at all, it may
            thought patterns which are cognitive distortions:  to leave due to symptoms of anxiety.  be possible to negotiate a lower out-of-pocket fee,
            •  All or Nothing – Everything that happens is   CBT has additional characteristics:   but this is solely in the therapist’s discretion.
              either excellent or awful. Any outcome less   •  Sessions are limited, intensive and goal-oriented  It is normal to use health insurance for a gym
              than 100% equates to 0% (e.g., “If I don’t get   •  The focus is on current behavior  membership, a doctor’s visit or a therapy session.
              this job, I’ll never be happy.”).  •  In line with non-judgmental observation, there   Like any appointment, sometimes we just need
            •  Mind Reading – Assuming the negative without   are no “shoulds” or “musts” and behavior is   a reminder.
              relevant information. (e.g., “He didn’t say good   not referred to as “good” or “bad”
              morning so that means he’s mad at me.”).  While  this  is  the  structured,  fundamental
            •  Labeling – Using negative labels to describe   approach, in practice therapists usually combine   Rita Bryce was a federal prosecutor
              oneself or others. (e.g., “I’m so stupid.” “He’s   some aspects of CBT and psychotherapy or other   with the U.S. Department of Justice
              so useless.”).                   therapies to address the patient’s unique situation.  in the Cleveland field office of the
              One of the most difficult things for a patient   The Mental Health Assessment (initial visit) and   Antitrust Division for 23 years until
            to understand and acknowledge is that these are   periodic therapy sessions, whether psychotherapy,   she retired in 2013. She obtained a
            not fully rational thoughts. A deeply ingrained,   CBT, or some other treatment, are usually covered by   Masters degree in 2015 and is an independently
            automatic response to a trigger is hard to give up.  health insurance plans, much like visits to doctors’   licensed Social Worker. She works as an individual
               In addition to getting patients to make realistic   offices, after deductibles and co-pays are met.   therapist with adults and children at The Centers
            assessments of their behaviors, CBT seeks to help   Additionally, visits to a psychiatrist for medication   for Families and Children, a non-profit with a
            patients understand that they have control over   are covered on par with those of other specialists.   focus on providing access to physical and mental
            their responses to the trigger. This is accomplished   If the psychiatrist or therapist is not one of the   health care to disadvantaged individuals. She also
            by helping patients engage in non-judgmental self-  insurer’s listed providers, you may be reimbursed   has a private therapy practice. She has been a
            observation. When a triggering event occurs, the   after paying the provider, but will probably have to   CMBA member since 2017. She can be reached
            patient will learn to observe his reaction as though   pay more out of pocket than for one of the insurer’s   at (216) 272-697 or her website is

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