Page 11 - The MIL Connection_ Summer 2017
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Start growing your skills today with our                                       F E AT U R E D  AS S E T S

        leadership program at MILTON.                                                  Successful Delegation:
                                                                                       Supervise and Encourage
                                                                                       ID: mgmt_39_a03_bs_enus
        Developing leaders and delivering results are key components to the            Duration: 23 minutes
        growth at    MIL. Our MILTON  Supervisor Enrichment  Program      is           Facing Challenges As A
        geared towards                  to                                             First-Time Manager:
              You’ll prepare best if you use every available resource.                 ID: amg_01_a02_bs_enus
        Each of the courses average 15-30 minutes in duration, though they             Duration: 19 minutes
        often can be completed in half that time.  Complete as few or as
        many as you wish.      If you enroll in the SEP Certificate Program and        Positive Atmosphere: How
        complete all 39 courses, you will receive a program certificate of             Organizational Learning
                                                                                       Drives Positive Change:
        completion. This program is optional, but highly recommended.
                                                                                       ID: ald_03_a03_bs_enus
                                                                                       Duration: 25 minutes

            Please join us in congratulating our latest award          MILTON  is pleased    to offer courses, mentors,

                                winners:                               and  test  preparation resources  on the  new

             Honor Roll                      Dean’s List               CompTIA CSA+ exam. CompTIA Cybersecurity
             Leanne Okabayashi               Cerella Ferebee           Analyst+  was created based on widespread and
             Kimberly Rose                   Andrew Eckley             unprecedented  demand  from the  public  and
             Corey Reeder                                              private sectors for a certification that fills a gap in
             Jesse Shifflett                                           cybersecurity  credentials and addresses  the
             Palwasha Mohammadi                                        unique role of the cybersecurity analyst.
             Patrick O’Rear
             Andrew Eckley

              In order to begin your free training, either email or fax the MILTON Enrollment Form found on the MILtranet at  After logging in, please click on MILTON Online Training at the top of the page.  If you
          have any questions or concerns, please contact Colleen O’Connor, Training Administrator, at
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