Page 7 - The MIL Connection_ Summer 2017
P. 7

Master of design

                            Congratulations to MIL Proposals and Marketing staff member Erin Barrow, who recently graduated with a
                            perfect 4.0 GPA, receiving an M.A. in Publications Design and the prestigious “Excellence in Design” award
                            for her graduating class at the University of Baltimore.
                            As MIL’s Communications & Design Specialist, Erin has worked over the last seven years to bring MIL
                            communications to life in both words and images. Combining knowledge from her studies with real world
                            experience, Erin guides MIL’s brand and image through graphic design, public relations, charitable events,
                            conference presence, web content, social media strategy, among other strategic communications endeavors.
                            Since graduating with a B.A. in Communication from Virginia Tech, Erin has continued on an academic
                            path to enhance and polish her technical skills and mastery of her field. Pursuing graduate studies with the
                            help of MIL’s Tuition Reimbursement benefits, Erin adds her most recent degree to an M.A. in Strategic
                            Communication, which she also earned from Virginia Tech. Great job, Erin!

                                                                                                  mil cares

        Helping homeless veterans at the                        entire 4.11 team was thanked for their
                                                                participation in the student event:
        Northern Virginia Golf Classic                          “Thank you for volunteering your
                                                                valuable time to take part in this year’s
                            On Tuesday, May 9, 2017, Westfields   STEM 6 event. The kids had a great time
                            Golf Club in Clifton, VA, hosted the   and the teacher couldn’t say enough
                            Northern Virginia Golf Classic. This   about how great the lab tours were.
                            year the Northern Virginia Chamber of   Everyone did a great job of keeping
                            Commerce partnered with Operation   us on track throughout a very busy
                            Renewed Hope Foundation (ORHF)      morning; just know that it was well
                            for the Annual Chamber Golf Classic,   worth it to have such a positive impact
                            with a portion of all proceeds raised at   on these young students as they follow the STEM track. Please
                            the tournament earmarked to benefit   forward out this Thank You to anyone else on your team that
                            the Foundation. ORHF’s mission is to   helped make today possible.”
                            provide quality housing and supportive   Brandy Reed, NAWCAD, VH-92A Mission
        services to our Nation’s homeless Veterans. MIL was proud to   Communications Systems, added her thanks as well, stating:
        serve as a corporate sponsor for this annual event and to help to
        defeat homelessness for veterans in the Washington, DC area.   “I’ve heard multiple compliments from engineers and other
        MIL sponsored the Longest Drive Competition and had four   volunteers within the division specifically about Betty and
        golfers participate. Our thanks for participation for the event goes   Linda’s performance with the students yesterday. Betty and
        to Marisa Daley, Joel Pagella, Bernard Abromavage, and Jason   Linda coordinated, set-up, and led the Ethernet cable fabrication
        Hannah.                                                 activity as the 4.11.3 demonstration - the only hands-on event the
                                                                students had while touring St. Inigoes. The STEM teacher said
        For more information on ORHF, please visit:             this demonstration was a favorite for many of her students (and             chaperones too) and they look forward to doing it again with

        Supporting Science, Technology,                         future classes.”
                                                                “We hope that Betty and Linda are interested in participating
        Engineering and Math (STEM)                             in the field trips in the future, Reed continued. “I appreciate
                                                                them consistently taking the lead on this event, and I know I can
        annual event                                            depend on them to represent the division in a way that the STEM

                                 Again this year, members of MIL’s   Shore Cure Golf Tournament to fight
                                 C4IS engineering staff offered
                                 STEM event participants a unique   blood cancer
                                 peek into what a career in science   MIL served as a corporate sponsor for the 5th Annual Leukemia
                                 and technology might look like.   & Lymphoma Society (LLS) Shore Cure Golf Tournament, which
                                 In a message from Israel “Izzy”   took place at Prospect Bay Country Club in Grasonville, MD,
                                 Jordan from AIR 4.11Z, the    and benefited the LLS Man & Woman of the Year Campaign. This
                                                               year’s event was hosted by Kris Shanahan, in support of Team
                                                               Missy’s Mojo.
                                                                   summer 2017  | The MIL Connection | 7
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