Page 9 - The MIL Connection_ Summer 2017
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new hires to teach them how to tackle customer issues involving Booker Sullivan Xavier
network infrastructure and security.
Tyler has positioned himself as a key member of the NOSC team ¡Felicidades! to the Xavier Family, which
and consistently seeks out opportunities for further improvement. welcomed its newest member, Booker
We are proud to formally recognize his efforts and look forward Sullivan Xavier, on Cinco de Mayo!
to seeing him continue to excel in his role. Congrats! At 2:42 pm, Baby Booker met Mom
Alyssa and Dad Scott for the very first
July 2017: Charles Cole time. Scott supports the Navy as part
of MIL’s RDT&E Infrastructure team
Charles Cole has been a member of the MIL’s C4IS Sector since at Pax River. The newest Baby Xavier,
June 2015 serving as a Sr. Logistician. His work directly supports weighing in at 8 lbs. 1 oz., and measuring
the Naval Air Warfare Center - Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) 20.5 inches, was also soon greeted by his Big Brother Dean.
Ship & Air Integrated Warfare (SAIW) Division (Code 4.11.3). Congratulations!
Under this contract, Charles supports an Interagency Agreement
that has been executed between NAWCAD and the Department Introducing the McCurrys
of Homeland Security (DHS) U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) for technical and engineering services. These services Join us in congratulating Katie & John
are related to communication systems and sensor technologies McCurry, who were married On March
that are deployed along the U.S. borders to conduct monitoring 11, 2017. The former Katie Vigneron
and surveillance operations necessary to secure and protect the supports MIL’s Department of State
homeland. contract at the Human Resources
Charles is currently assigned to the CBP’s Office of Acquisition Service Center in Charleston, SC. Best
located in Crystal City, Va. As a Sr. Logistician, he works directly wishes to the happy couple!
with CBP program managers to develop and implement the
plans and documentation necessary to ensure the complete
life-cycle for the deployed equipment and systems is in place.
As such, he ensures maintainability, sustainability, and final
disposition of equipment and systems. Charles also serves as the
Assistant Program Manager for Logistics for the Mobile Vehicle Upcoming Events
Surveillance System (MVSS). MVSS deploys short and medium-
range mobile surveillance equipment with a suite of camera
sensors and communication technologies mounted on Border MIL Charleston Summer Family Event
Patrol vehicles. Aug. 12, 2017 | 3:00 -7:00 p.m.
Additionally, Charles recently supported the System Qualification Charleston employees are invited to attend an afternoon
Testing conducted on the MVSS by the original equipment of fun for all. There will be great food, bowling, arcade
manufacturer to assess the reliability, maintainability, and other games and more!
logistical elements associated with the fielding of the system. In MIL DC Area Crab Feast
support of this effort, he was recognized by the CBP program Sept. 9, 2017 | Noon - 5:00 p.m.
manager for a “nice job coordinating this in a short time period” All DC, MD, and VA employees are encouraged to join
and given a “very much appreciated” acknowledgment. us at Mayo Beach Park for an afternoon of picking crabs,
Charles is an integral part of the MIL C4IS Team, providing his climbing the rock wall, face painting, and more.
expertise in life-cycle logistics to help make our homeland safe.
Thank you for your hard work and important service, we are Be on the lookout for the
proud to have you on our team. Congrats! Crab Feast Invitation!
Kayla Rose Herrera As in years past, this event is for immediate family
only. For this event, immediate family includes
On March 6th, Daniel and Kim Herrera your wife, husband, partner, significant other, and
children. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins,
welcomed to the world Kayla Rose and parents are not included. If you are not
Herrera. Kayla Rose was born at 3:00 am, bringing family you may bring one guest.
weighing in at 7lbs. 8oz. Congratulations
to the entire Herrara Family!
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