Page 6 - The MIL Connection_ Summer 2017
P. 6

The Patuxent Partnership Conference                    Salesforce World Tour

        The Cyber Sector’s Ken Wang and Rick Miller represented MIL   The Salesforce World Tour made a pit stop in Washington DC on
        at a recent Patuxent Partnership conference, which took place   April 4th. MIL attendees like Alex Tzavellas, Practice Marketing
        in Solomons, MD on June 28th. MIL was one of only seven   Manager, had the opportunity to network and attend Breakout
        organizations exhibiting at the conference whose program’s   (“Building and Better World”) Sessions to learn how customers,
        theme, Identifying Solutions to Warfighter Challenges through   partners, and product experts are using Salesforce to connect to
        Technology and Innovation, focused primarily on warfighter   their customers in a whole new way. The event’s speakers included
        technologies and products. The Patuxent Partnership was honored   Marc Benioff, Chairman & CEO, Salesforce, and Parker Harris,
        to present two highly accomplished keynote speakers, Dr. David   Co-Founder, Salesforce, as well as other special guest speakers.
        E. Walker, Director of Technology for the Office of Naval Research
        and Dr. Robert Caret, Chancellor of the University System of
        Maryland, as well as closing remarks by NAVAIR’s Rear Admiral
        Mark Darrah of the Program Executive Officer for Unmanned
        Aviation and Strike Weapons (PEO(U&W)). The program also
        featured four moderated panels for discussions among industry,
        academia, and government attendees. The panelists discussed
        views on fostering innovation at Pax River, moving technology to
        commercialization, government/industry/academic collaboration,
        as well as ways to cultivate “outside the box” thinking.
        According to The Patuxent Partnership, a non-profit member
        organization combining government, industry, and academia,
        its members work collaboratively on its mission to “advance
        education through STEM based initiatives, to advance technology
        through speaker programs and networking, to advance science
        and technology transfer through the exchange of ideas,
        information and data related to technologies, and to foster
        workforce development through an array of initiatives.”

        EMployee stories

        Autumn Banks to serve as NAF                            her passion and experience as Program Manager of the ITA
                                                                Workforce Development program and as a NAF Alum. Autumn
        IT Advisory Board Co-Chair for                          will embark on her third year of managing the ITA Workforce
                                                                Development program this summer. This year ITA will host 23
        D.C. Chapter                                            students from McKinley Tech High School and the University
                                                                of District Columbia. Autumn will serve as Co-chair for the
                                MIL staffer Autumn Banks has    2017/2018 school term.
                                accepted the position of Co-
                                chairperson of the National    Masters of the scrum universe!
                                Academy Foundation (NAF),
                                Information Technology (IT)    Several members of MIL’s Department of Commerce,
                                Industry Advisory board        International Trade Administration staff were recently certified
                                Washington, DC chapter. NAF    as Certified Scrum Masters (CSM), among them Emily Ford and
                                advisory boards provide an essential   Natalie Robinson. For those not in-the-know, Scrum Masters
                                bridge between schools and the   serve as facilitators for agile development teams. As in rugby, a
                                workplace. Businesspeople and   scrummage (scrum for short!) is a method of restarting game
        community leaders volunteer on local advisory boards to play   play where team members pack closely together with their heads
        an active role in developing their future workforce by shaping   down and attempt to gain possession of the ball. In the agile
        talent in high school. Advisory board members collaborate with   development world, developers are the participants that put their
        educators to inform curricula and help organize work-based   heads together (instead of down) to try and advance the project
        learning activities. Advisory boards give students the opportunity   forward as quickly as possible. Scrum teams “restart” play every
        to build relationships with mentors early and learn from   day at the guidance of the Scrum Master who huddles the team
        successful adults.                                     together every morning to recap and review progress and set the
                                                               agenda and goals for the day.
        Currently serving as a board member alongside Joe Paiva, CIO of
        International Trade Administration (ITA), Autumn has worked   Congratulations and well done to MIL’s newest Certified Scrum
        with the NAF IT DC Chapter for the past two years bringing   Masters!

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