Page 9 - MILConnection_Winter_2020
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Defining DE&I                                          Common DE&I Misconceptions

        Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are mutually reinforcing   Misconception: The Bar Is Being Lowered
        principles. A focus on diversity alone is insufficient because an
        employee’s sense of inclusion and equity is critically important.   In reality, we are challenging biases about what indicators are
                                                               evidence of high talent. Using top tier schools as a filter, for
        Diversity – Differences                                example, does not guarantee top talent. When we throw away
        Diversity is the presence of a collective mixture of similarities and   these filtering mechanisms and find ways to evaluate critical
        differences every individual brings to the workplace. This generally  thinking, behaviors associated with a company’s core values, and
        includes (but not limited to) experiences, backgrounds, values,   aptitude for learning, we can end up with great employees and
        race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, ethnicity,   create more equitable practices at the same time.
        gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status,   Misconception: DEI Efforts Aren’t For You
        veteran status, family structures, and language.
                                                               DE&I initiatives are focused on fostering a sense of belonging
        Equity – Experience of Fairness                        and support for all employees. It also focuses on where it is most
        Equity ensures everyone access to the same treatment,   needed; historically, that has been with underrepresented groups.
        opportunities, and advancement. Equity recognizes that   Initiatives are only fully effective if allies—people from one social
        advantages and barriers exist, and makes a commitment to   identity who support, empower, and stand in solidarity with
        identify and eliminate the barriers creating the imbalance.   people from another identity group—take part in the initiatives.
        Inclusion – Sense of Belonging                         Taking part in DE&I Initiatives as an ally helps move this
                                                               important work forward.
        Inclusion is the attainment of a work environment in which
        all individuals feel part of the larger group and are treated   Misconception: It’s A Zero-Sum Game
        respectfully, feel valued, and have a sense of belonging.   Opportunity is not a zero-sum game. You can move up in your
                                                               career while helping others advance in theirs as well. The overall
                                                               focus should be on helping all employees to grow and thrive in
                                                               their careers. Because everyone is starting from a different place
                                                               in terms of experiences and opportunities they have had access
                                                               to, we need to provide extra focus on identifying and clearing the
                                                               barriers that some may experience.

        First Step to Success

        In support of our efforts, we have invited a respected outside party, My HR Consultant, to assist us in conducting a focused,
        organization-wide DE&I environment assessment. The goal of this assessment is to gain a better understanding of your perceptions
        and workplace experiences specifically related to DE&I at MIL. Your input will help us to ensure MIL is a place where all employees
        feel valued, accepted, and included.
        Measuring the Reality of Where We Stand

        As part of this work, My HR Consultant, will administer a survey as well as conduct interviews and focus groups. The survey, scheduled
        to be released in January 2021, will specifically evaluate perceptions of diversity, fairness, belonging, safety, and being valued and
        accepted in the workplace. It will also include questions related to demographics to enable My HR Consultant to analyze the data
        collected in a variety of ways. Although voluntary, we strongly encourage you to complete all parts of the survey. It is completely
        anonymous, and your responses will not be individually identifiable because we want you to feel safe in sharing your honest opinions
        and experiences. To ensure the anonymity of your feedback, MIL will defer to My HR Consultant to review the results and interpret the
        findings, which will also be shared with you.
        Another survey? (Just one more, we promise)            Addressing the Reality of Our Results

        In completing the most recent workforce surveys (“Great Place to   My HR Consultant will use the results of the survey to identify which
        Work” and “Top Workplaces”),  you provided data that provided   employee segments to include in focus groups in early March 2021.
        us exceptional insight into numerous aspect of working at MIL   The DE&I focus groups are designed to gather direct feedback and
        such as your Trust Index with us as an employer, how you feel   perspectives of employees from various demographic backgrounds,
        empowered by your leadership team, your perception of growth   in their own words, to further understand their perceptions
        and development opportunities, and your overall satisfaction   and experiences regarding DE&I. You can expect to see further
        with MIL as a workplace. In contrast, the DE&I survey is geared   communications immediately after the New Year regarding the launch
        towards producing internal plans and actions, specifically to   of the DE&I survey. Your thoughts, experiences, and especially your
        address and improve DE&I at MIL, to ensure we walk-the-walk   voices are a critical part of this process. We hope you will actively
        and empower our motto, People Making the Difference. We have   participate and join us to ensure MIL is, and remains, a diverse,
        already confirmed MIL is a “great place to work” in a number   equitable, and inclusive workplace where all of us feel valued and feel
        of areas but it is imperative that we are open and transparent to   equal.
        this inwardly focused feedback from our most critical assets, our   winter 2020  | The MIL Connection | 9
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