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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

                                            Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter

                                    THE TORCH

          March 2018                                                                              Volume 43 Issue 7

         Message from President Brown

                                      appy Sisterhood Month!

                                      It is a wonderful time to celebrate the bond of sisterhood
                                      with a chapter full of energetic, compassionate and dedi-
                                      cated sorors!  Though we purposely celebrate the bond on
          H  a continuous basis, March is the month that we celebrate
                                      through various planned activities.
          The Membership Services Committee has put together a calendar full of activities to
          bring us together often during the month.  Each member should try to attend at least one
          activity.  Let us start the month off by taking a picture with a soror and posting it to social
          media.  The calendar of events are included in the newsletter as well as the weekly mem-  Inside
          os.                                                                                    The Torch
          Congratulations to all on receiving the Red Ribbon Award during the State Cluster meet-  Eight Decades of   2
          ing!  Our chapter was one of 11 chapters in the state to meet the four areas of criteria:   Sisterhood and
          compliance, quorum, program planning and social action to receive the award.  I was very   Success—
          proud to accept the certificate of recognition on behalf of the chapter in recognition of its   Decade Seven
          hard work and accomplishments.                                                       National Nutrition   3
          As we continue to work hard and accomplish much, I ask that we also continue to support
          the work of the committees.  We have major events before the close of the sororal year   Delta Gems and   4 -5
          that we all need to support.   As we celebrate Sisterhood Month, let us continue to sup-  EMBODI take
          port the events that allows our chapter to fulfill the mission of the sisterhood.  We will   over Atlanta
          close out the month with the Community Health Fair.  The Physical and Mental Health
          Committee needs the full support of the chapter to provide our community with vital in-  I Heart Prom   6
          formation to sustain a healthy lifestyle.  Coming up shortly after will be the chapter’s first
          gospel concert, featuring Dottie Peoples, Alabama Boys and other artists.   This fundrais-  Sisterhood   7-9
          ing event is a step out on faith for us and we are depending on the members of the chap-  Month
          ter to support it wholeheartedly.  The fundraising efforts of the chapter provides the fi-  MAC Treasurer   10
          nancial resources to support our programs and events.  Because of this, it is important   Corner
          that we support events such as the Montgomery’s Sunday Best: A Gospel Explosion.  See
          members of the Fundraising Committee for additional details.                         Courtesies &       11
          I will close as I opened with good wishes of SISTERHOOD. Paraphrasing the words of Cay-                 12-13
          la, “Sisterhood….ONE word to describe more than 250,000 feelings, more than 250,000   Upcoming Events
          promises, more than 250,000 women.  And even though there are more than 250,000 of
          us we are all connected through ONE common bond….Sisterhood.”                      Special points of interest:

                                                                                             National Nutrition Month

          Committed to IMPACTFUL Service,                                                    Delta GEMS and EMBODI take
          Cassandra                                                                          over Atlanta
                                                                                             I Heart Prom
          Cassandra E. Brown                                                                 Sisterhood Month
          Chapter President
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