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Eight Decades of Sisterhood and Success
By Thelma C. Ivery, Ph.D. Chapter Historian
Decade Seven: 1997 – 2007
Soror Johnnie Royster’s term as president and implemented a reading project at Carver Ele-
extended from 1993 to1997, thus her term over- mentary School. Also in 2001, the 84 Shades of Ele-
lapped this period. In April 1996 the chapter initiated gance was initiated.
fifty new members into the chapter. At that time, From 2001 through 2005, Soror Tyna D. Davis
The Phenomenal 50 was largest line for the chapter.
On April 4-5, 1997 Montgomery was the site of the Ed.D. led MAC During her administration, the chap-
Alabama Statewide Founders Day. Our Southern ter published the first pictorial edition of our chap-
Regional Director, Dr. Deborah Thomas, introduced ter directory and established our first electronic
the National President, Soror Marcia Fudge, Esq., email group. The chapter sponsored a Summit V
who was the Founders’ Day luncheon speaker. On AIDS Awareness Conference and contributed
May 3, 1997 we celebrated the 20 anniversary of $25,000 to the ASU Foundation for Excellence. We
Crème de la Crème and the 60 anniversary of coordinated Delta Days at the State Capitol to com-
Montgomery Alumnae Chapter using the theme,
“An Evening in Paradise." municate with legislators and policy makers. At the
2004 Crème de la Crème, we featured Miss America
Soror Brenda Carter’s term as chapter pres-
ident extended from 1997 to 2001. On October 18, 2004, Soror Erika Dunlap. By 2005, we were 400
1977 more than 100 sorors enjoyed a Sisterhood Re- strong having added 97 new sorors to our chapter.
treat at the country home of Soror Tyna Davis in We provided outreach services for women at the
Hope Hull, AL. In Aril, 1998 we welcomed the “Fifty- Family Sunshine Center, and distributed information
one Dreams of Crimson and Cream” into our sister- to parents about financial aid and other educational
hood. Crème de la Crème was presented on Satur- opportunities for their high school age children who
day, May 2, 1998 with the theme, ”An Afrocentric planned to seek higher education.
Odyssey.” Performances included African drum-
mers, a heritage dance, spirituals and freedom songs Soror Cassandra Conway led the chapter
and poetry readings with the performers in colorful from 2005 – 2009. In 2005, the chapter website was
African dress. Two hundred forty-nine MAC sorors
greeted the new century and the new millennium. launched. In April 2005, 97 Degrees and Rising gave
We continued our legacy of sisterhood and service us 97 new members. In 2006, the chapter received
as we worked as Partners in Education with South- the National Social Action award at the national
lawn Elementary School and Southlawn Middle convention in Philadelphia. The Membership Ser-
School. We also collaborated with Project WAVE vices Committee and the Alumnae Step Team were
(Women Advocating Voter Empowerment) and organized. A December dance was established as a
Montgomery AIDS Outreach. In 2001, we initiated a
partnership with Houston Hill Junior High School secondary fund raiser to Crème. MAC received the
Alabama Chapter of the Year Award at the Regional
Convention in Chattanooga, TN. Our 19 Southern
Regional Director, Dr. Deborah Thomas, was the
Founders’ Day Speaker. We were Partners in Educa-
tion with Capitol Heights Junior High School, and we
sponsored a Community Empowerment Day and
provided services to South Haven Nursing Home. In
May 2007, all former Miss Crème winners were invit-
ed to participate in the 30 anniversary Crème pro-
gram, the theme of which was “30 Years of Cultivat-
ing Crème Pearls: the Community Involvement Con-