Page 5 - MarchNewsletter_Neat
P. 5

A Tour of the Historic                             homelessness on Auburn Avenue in Atlan-

                     Auburn Avenue                               ta, Georgia. He and his wife currently own a
                                                                 convenience  store  on  the  same  street  he

                                                                 slept as a homeless man.
                                The  Montgomery  (AL)            We  also  visited  the  APEX  Museum  and

                                Alumnae  Chapter’s  Sig-         watched two short films while seated in a
                                nature Programs - Delta          replica of an old Atlanta Streetcar, which is
                                Academy  &  EMBODI               considered the original MARTA. The theme

                                members  strolled  down          of each film was created to depict the im-
                                Sweet  Auburn  Avenue            portant of slavery and the legacy of its af-
         which  is  the  heart  of                                                                         fects
         African-American  com-                                                                            left  be-

         merce  and  culture  in                                                                           hind for
         Atlanta,  Georgia.  The                                                                           future
         participants  were  able                                                                          genera-

         to  view  landmarks  of                                                                           tions.
         the  Civil  Rights  Move-                                                                         As  well
         ment  and  several  his-                                                                          as,  the
         toric  African-American                                                                           unique

         churches  such  as  the                                 role  of  African-American  commerce  and
         Big  Bethel  AME  Church,  the  first  African-         culture in Sweet Auburn in the 20th centu-
         American church in Atlanta, and Ebenezer                ry was viewed and provided insight to the

         Baptist  Church.    The  tour  of  the  home  of        atmosphere experienced by those involved.
         Dr.  Martin  Luther  King,  Jr.  was  one  filled       In addition, the participants learned about
         with spirit.  Along the tour route to our sur-          Africa the world's richest continent and the
         prise,  we  were  blessed  to  meet  and  take          significant resources it has given the world.

         pictures with Benjamin Graham, the author               This was truly a reflection on the past and
         of “The  Book  of  Benjamin.”    The  partici-          an awesome experience.
         pants  were  able  to  learn  that  Benjamin

         battled  seventeen  years  of  addiction  and

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