Page 6 - MarchNewsletter_Neat
P. 6

Do you remember your prom and the feeling you         rapher  complete  with  photo  booth  to  capture
         had about looking your best? Every girl wants to      the experience.  There was a seamstress to pro-
         look  beautiful  for  her  prom,  the  Montgomery     vide  alterations,  a  makeup  artist  who  provided
         (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta So-         treats and the opportunity for all participants to
         rority,  Inc.,  in  partnership  with  Jim  Massey    register  for  a  free  prom  makeover.    Two  lucky
         Cleaners & Formal Wear, Hot 105.7 and Tie Doll        young ladies were the recipients of this free gift.
         made  it  possible  for  young  ladies  from  Mont-
         gomery  and  the  surrounding  River  Region  to                              th
                                                               Saturday,  February  10   between  the  hours  of
         “Say    Yes    to    the
                                                                                        8:00  a.m.  to  12  noon,
         Dress.”   The  former
                                                                                        more young ladies were
         Rue  21  at  East  Chase
                                                                                        waiting in line; the word
         was the location for the
                                                                                        had     spread    quickly
         staging  and  display  of
                                                                                        through  Social  Media.
         over  one  thousand  do-
                                                                                        We  were  Delta  ready
         nated  new  and  gently                                                        and  prepared  for  day
         worn  formal  and  semi-
                                                                                        two, it was awesome to
         formal    gowns      and
                                                                                        watch  the  expressions
         dresses.   In  addition  to
                                                                                        on  the  faces  of  those
         dresses,  shoes  and  other  accessories  were  do-
                                                               who  were  able  to  “Say  Yes  to  the
         nated to assist young ladies in completing their
                                                               Dress.”    Thanks  to  the  generosity  of  the  River
         outfits for their special occasion.
                                                               Region  Community  -  free  dresses,  free  seam-

                                                               stress,  free  photographer  and  free  makeovers
         The  gowns  were  cleaned  and  delivered  by  Jim
                                                               showed those most deserving that dreams really
         Massey  Cleaners  to  provide  an  authentic  shop-
                                                               do come true.  A total of five hundred and twen-
         ping experience.  Even though, the weather was
                                                               ty-five  dresses  were  selected  by  those  who  at-
         overcast with misting rain this did not deter the
                                                               tended this event.  Thank you to all of our volun-
         excitement  of  the  young  ladies,  their parents
                                                               teers  and  partners  who  unselfishly  provided
         and  friends.  The  line  began  to  form  at 3:00
                                                               their time, energy and enthusiasm to make this
         p.m. on  Friday,  February  9,  2018;  over  one  hun-
                                                               event  an  overwhelming  success.  If  you  did  not
         dred people were waiting for the doors to open
                                                               have  a  chance  to  participate  this  year  we  look
         at 4:00 p.m.  Forty members of the Montgomery
                                                               forward  to  working  with  you  next  year.  The
         (AL) Alumnae Chapter and over twenty commu-
                                                               Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sig-
         nity volunteers which involved local high school
                                                               ma  Theta  Sorority,  Inc.,  is  “Committed  to  IM-
         students and members of Omega Psi Phi Frater-
                                                               PACTFUL  Service”  and  “Making  Dreams  Come
         nity were equally anticipating the grand opening
         and  provided  their  services  for  this  two  day
         shopping event.  The staging included a photog-

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