Page 287 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 287

2020 Spring - GOAL 30% of student enrollment

                                          FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

                            As of April 13, 2020 – 2,364 English/52 Spanish Completed

                                         District Level Spring Title I Parent Survey
              NETWORK            TOTAL      NUMBER               NETWORK                 TOTAL          NUMBER
                ONE            COMPLETED    NEEDED                 TWO                ENROLLMENT        NEEDED
           Avondale Elem          20+3        156              Barrett Elem              136+7            143
           Arrington Elem          4          115              Glen Iris Elem             18+3            219
            Brown Elem            89          110                Hayes K-8             23+1               227
          Bush Hills STEAM        18          136              Hemphill Elem               2              111
         Central Park Elem        36          158            Huffman Academy          238+1               243
            E.P.IC. Elem       117+1          109             Huffman Middle              63              120
        Martha Gaskins Elem     114+8         170           Jones Valley Middle            6              160
            Minor Elem           98+1         175               Oliver Elem               87              137
           Norwood Elem            2           90           Oxmoor Valley Elem            44              146
        O.W. Mitchell Middle       6          112          Phillips Academy K-8           10              198
           Princeton Elem         84           72              Smith  Middle              1+1             142
           Robinson Elem       199+1          121           South Hampton K-8            171+8            159
            Tuggle Elem       Z155+1          160             Sun Valley Elem             90              208
           Inglenook K-8          8+2         108             Washington K-8              12              149
          W.J. Christian K-8      42+2        190         West  End Academy K-5           188             158

           *   The Goal is 30% based on the Strategic            NETWORK                 TOTAL          NUMBER
               Plan                                                THREE             ENROLLMENT         NEEDED
           *   The survey will be on the district’s            Carver High                2              181
               website beginning  Monday, March 9,          Green Acres Middle             4              111
               2020; it will close                              Hudson K-8                11              203
               Thursday, May 15, 2020                          Huffman High                  3            348
           *   Number Needed is based on enrollment         Jackson-Olin High        119+1               228
               in  Power Schools provided on  Friday,         A.H. Parker High            135             192
               February 14, 2020                              Putnam Middle                4               91
           *   All Schools are required to do the
                                                               Ramsay High                10              227
               survey; (data will be available starting
                                                              Wenonah High                 5              205
               Wednesday, May 20, 2020)
                                                              Woodlawn High               89              213
           *  Highlighted schools reached 30% goal           Wilkerson Middle              2              117

                                                               Wylam Elem              24+1               127

                                                                                                    FY 2019 – 2020mrf
   282   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290   291   292