Page 282 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 282
Employee Engagement Feedback Survey
(Spring 2020 Only)
7 Grade level teams work Ensuring all leadership teams Deborah Givens! Tech team I’m looking forward to seeing
well together are fulfilling their roles and how we grow as a team next
responsibilities; make year!
classroom daily schedules
more regular; one to
one/classroom set of tech;
celebrate multicultural
days/events; community
guests/speakers; clear
communication about
fundraisers’ expectations and
8 Ms. Daniels has great I would like for her to speak Jacobs for keeping us abreast regarding N/A I would like for Friday's to
ideas for getting to the staff to get input on technology. continue to be Dress Up days
Princeton to like an changes to the school. for Princeton.
ivory league school.
You can see it thru her
vision for a better
9 Parent engagement The physical environment N/a N/a