Page 284 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 284

Employee Engagement Feedback Survey
                                                                        (Spring 2020 Only)

            11      Teachers working     Scheduling: However, I do   Mrs. Holmes - For really being a team   Remain on the   Your commitment to
                    together and         understand that this has   player and stepping into our chaotic   Leadership/ILT, remain   Princeton is very appreciative.
                    collaborating as best as  been under construction and  culture and not complaining at all.  on special events (t-
                    they could with such   am very anxious to see this in  C. Ward and Dr. Abrams for the time   shirts, programs etc)
                    little time and very little  the workings. I think this was  they have put in at Princeton (I think we
                    resources.           a major problem at Princeton  need to still recognize them for their
                                         which allowed for no fluidity  commitment and service)
                                         or teacher in-school
                                         collaboration. It was very
                                         hard to sit down and plan
                                         together except after school.

            12      There has been       Parent involvement       Parents and students for their patience  I'm serving on several
                    changes, so we're still   opportunities.      and assistance with the sudden    committees that I will
                    observing the                                 transition of homeschooling.      remain committed to.
                    outcomes and we'll it
                    fits into our academics,
                    instructions, and
                    culture of the school.

            13      Structure and        A stronger unified arts team  Ebony Porter                 Anything related to
                    expectation is       where planning is concerned.                               culture
                    improving consistently.

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