Page 279 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 279
Employee Engagement Feedback Survey
(Spring 2020 Only)
Is there a particular
committee you would
like to serve on during
What is working well What areas in Princeton the next school year? If Is there anything else you
at Princeton Elementary School could be Is there anyone in our school that your yes, please be provide would like to share with
ID Elementary School? improved? would like to recognize for good work? details. Principal Daniels?
1 What’s working well at Areas of improvement: Shoutout to- I would like to stay on Your energy and love for
our school now is that -The aesthetics of the -Ms. Jacobs for our weekly Zoom tech ILT in my current role; education shows in your work
we finally have a clear building (new paint, new stall trainings! however, I am not sure if ethic. I am proud to call you
path of expectations for doors in the restrooms, a -Mrs. Givens for preparing our awards! I can meet every week. my principal, and I look
the staff, parents, and new mural in the display case -Mrs. Holmes, Ms. Flowers, Mrs. Hale forward to working with you
the students. Because when you enter the building). and whoever else helped prepare the I would also like to to help “Make Princeton
of this, I believe that -PTA and parental weekly packets for the students! continue being a co- Great Again”!
Princeton will once engagement (being more -Mrs. Duff and crew for preparing the chair for the Math Derby
again be a school of involved). pickup meals! with Ms. Mack, and stay
greatness! -Mr. B. & Mrs. Jackson... y’all are ROCK the coordinator for
STARS!! Thank you! STEM Fair.
-Mrs. Parker for ensuring that I received
a credit on my Office Depot account for
the merchandise I never received!! You
are always so patient with me and I
appreciate that.
-PBIS Team for not giving up and for
being excited about what PBIS will look
like for the new school year!
-Principal Daniels for your willingness to
teach us as you lead us. Thank you!