Page 280 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 280

Employee Engagement Feedback Survey
                                                                        (Spring 2020 Only)

            2       At this time we are in   I would like to see   MRS. HOLMES!  She's a true TEAM   PBIS and continue as   I have enjoyed working with
                    transition. It is difficult  improvements in the the   PLAYER!!                 Designee              you and look forward to
                    to tell what is actually   area of technology                                                         working with you in the fall.  I
                    working . We only    I would like to be informed                                                      like your persistence when it
                    experienced working   and give input on major                                                         comes to getting the job
                    with the new         decisions pertaining to                                                          done and i like the fact that
                    administration for a   change in The schools culture                                                  you trust me to get the job
                    very short time before  and climate before they take                                                  done as well.  Thank you for a
                    COVID. But overall   place                                                                            great start.  
                    things ran very      I would like more planning
                    smoothly!            time not just meeting time
                                         Consistency in student

            3       I believe that the peer   PAES can improve on PBIS in  I'd like to recognize the entire PAES   I'm willing to serve in   You're doing a great job!
                    observation process   the upcoming school year.   faculty and staff for their hard work and  whatever committee   Keep up the good work!
                    worked very well. I also                      dedication during the COVID-19    there is a need for. I'm
                    liked the wellness                            pandemic. It has definitely been a big   not picky at all. I just
                    checks.                                       transition for everyone as we switched  don't want to be
                                                                  to remote learning. Everyone stepped   overwhelmed with the
                                                                  up to the plate to ensure that our   number of committees
                                                                  students were still receiving quality   that I serve on because I
                                                                  instruction as well as providing   do have after-school
                                                                  emotional support to our students'   obligations.

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