Page 281 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 281

Employee Engagement Feedback Survey
                                                                        (Spring 2020 Only)

            4       Communication,       The school building itself   I believe all of our teachers do good   Any; but I would also ask  Thank you for bringing light
                    budget spending,     needs major improvements.  work; but I especially would like to   for available training   and peace to Princeton.
                    sufficient team/faculty                       recognize Principal Daniels, Mrs.   that would help me gain  Thank you for caring about us
                    meetings and content,                         Holmes, Mrs. Parker, Mr. B. and Mrs.   understanding of the   and working with us. It has
                    and vision preparation                        Jackson. These are the people we tend  committee, gain   been a pleasure getting to
                    for our school.                               to have high expectations for, but   knowledge and be   know you and having you as
                                                                  sometimes forget how valuable they   effective in my role.  our leader. Prayerfully, you
                                                                  are to our school family.                               will be named the new,
                                                                                                                          permanent Principal of

            5       N/A                  N/A                      Scott                             Safety                N/A
            6       The new dismissal    Students accomplishments   I think all of our teachers at Princeton   I’m open to serving on   No
                    system worked        being recognized. We don’t   are amazing. I think all of us go above   any committee.
                    perfectly.           honor students for their hard  and beyond for our students.
                                         work of making good grades.
                                         Also, we could do a better
                                         job at recognizing students
                                         for good behavior. Next
                                         school year, I would like to
                                         actually have the PBIS
                                         celebrations. Those
                                         celebrations give the
                                         students something to look
                                         forward to. Providing
                                         opportunities to where new
                                         teachers feel like their ideas

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