Page 177 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 177

Whether  C.J.Company  was  a  silversmith  enamoured  with  showmanship,  time  and  the  research  will  tell.  The
            cocktail set and tray [below] is really quite lavish compared most cocktail sets of the time.  This was produced
            in  a  city  that  was  totally  captured  by  the  jazz  age,  the  cocktail  hour  and  the  lifestyle  that  developed.  The
            fascinating end-story of this set is that it somehow found its way to Hollywood where it became part of a silver
            collection of  a Hollywood movie star of the 1940’s.

                                                                             This  jewellery  case  with  lock  and
                                                                             silk lining also made the journey to
                                                                             Hollywood.  C.J.  Company  would
                                                                             have approved.

                                                                              Images  courtesy  of  Bonhams,  New
                                                                              York;  Lyon  &  Turnbull,  Edinburgh/
                                                                              Glasgow,  UK;  Supershrink’s
                                                                              Storehouse of Silver

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