Page 572 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 572
The previously illustrated sugar basin, although neo-classical in form, is atypical of most silver bearing the “P”
mark - the basket weave treatment of the body is quite unusual for any Chinese silver of the entire Chinese
Export Silver period. The previously illustrated circa 1840 gentleman’s snuff box [below] takes the neo-classical
style and is decorated with traditional Chinese scenes - possibly made for a China Trade merchant.
This circa 1830 egg cruet is an exceptional
example of the skill of the early Chinese
Export Silver makers to create high quality
“Georgian” silver in a gauge of silver most
English and American silversmiths
probably would not have contemplated.
What is interesting with this particular set
is the fact the six egg spoons carry the
mark of a contemporary retail silversmith
in Canton - CUTSHING. They are probably
replacement spoons.