Page 814 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 814

            Wú Hú, Anhui Province
            circa 1900-1930

            This is an unusual mark to come across - Wu Hu is also not a location synonymous with silver making.

            Wúhú is an historic city on the Yangtze River and was one of the earliest treaty ports to be established after the
            Treaty of Nanking in 1842. As such, the city had during that time a distinct British influence, in particular with
            the spread of Christianity, although the Jesuits had been active there prior. Rice, tea and wood were flourishing
            industries until the War Lord Era of the 1920’s-1930’s.

            Wúhú does have a long heritage of metal-work, including iron and furnace usage going back to the Iron Age .

            In 1937, Wúhú was occupied by the Japanese which was a prelude to the Battle of Nanking and the Nanking

            The  following  illustrated  example  of  Wan  Shun  silver  is  of  quite  historic  significance,  even  though  it  is  20th
            century.  It  is  a  strange  melange  of  styles,  both  Western  and  Chinese  but  twitch  Chinese  being  the  overall
            “winner”, and is further of interest because of the woven cane work on the handle which is redolent of similar
            work used by European silversmiths
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