Page 846 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 846

A rather dramatic belt by Wing Chun, circa 1900

            Wing Chun invested a lot of care and detail into small items. The circa 1895 pepperette [below left] shows a
            tremendous attention to detail - the dragon motif and the sharpness of the tiny pagoda finial.

                                    As  beakers  go,  this
                                    example,  dated  1902,
                                    has  a  delicately
                                    executed  repoussé
                                    scene depicted against
                                    an  incredibly  finely
                                    planished ground.
                                    T h e  e n d  o f  1 9 t h
                                    century  bowl  [below]
                                    is  actually  quite
                                    unusual,  even  though
                                    its  decoration  depicts
                                    traditional scenes. The
                                    use  of  four  lozenge
                                    panels  against  a  plain
                                    polished  ground  and
                                    t h e  s h a p e  o f  t h e
                                    panels  is  far  from  the
                                    norm  of  most  bowls
                                    created at this time.

            Images  courtesy  of  S&J  Stodel,  London;  Dreweatts  &  Bloomsbury  Auctions,  UK;  Daniel  Bexfield  Antiques,  London;
            James D. Julia Inc.,Maine, USA; Brunk Auctions, North Carolina, USA; DuMouchelles, Detroit, USA

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