Page 891 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 891
WU HUA & Co. [AKA: WOU HUA & Co.]
Xu Street, Japanese Concession Area, Tientsin [TianJin] - Main Store
Mia Jia Kou, French Concession Area, Tientsin [TianJin] - Branch Store
circa 1890-1940
Wu Hua, Tientsin, was both a retail and manufacturing
Tientsin Wu Hua has no connection with Wu Hua in BeiJing
An interesting label [right] attached to a presentation box of Wu
Hua silver tea ware showing the two retail shop addresses and a
transliterated rendering of the Wu Hua name.
The label also says “jin dian” which means literally “gold shop”,
which is what silver workshops were known as in Northern
Wu Hua silver had a quite definitive style and is always
of a very high standard, invariably conservatively
traditional Chinese as much as the bounds of doing so
within a contrived Western form allows.
The rose bowl [left] is superbly decorated ornamental
motifs being high up on the Wu Hua agenda.