Page 947 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 947

A  pair  of  vases  [above]  -  totally  Chinese  in  their
            decorative  influences,  yet  achieving  uniqueness
            with the triple-handles with a hint of the Art Nouveau
            style.  The  prunus  blossom  motif  has  been  set
            against  a  ground  of  random  “cracked  ice”  -  a
            popular 17th century traditional Chinese decorative
            treatment known as “bing-zhan-wen” that was often
            used  on  window  shutters  [right]  and  much  used
            throughout the Forbidden City.
            Yong Xing Cheng pieces are always a delight; they
            are also, sadly, all too rare.
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