Page 183 - 2021 March 15th Fine Chinese Paintings and Works of Art, Bonhams NYC New York
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           WANG ZHEN (1866-1938)                             舊金山遠東藝術畫廊,1981年8月
           Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper, with two artist’s inscriptions,   出版
           each signed Bailongshanren with two artist’s seals reading Wang Zhen   馬欣樂主編,《邁克·蓋勒斯中國畫收藏:一個西方學者的中華文化之
           dali and Yiting.                                  旅》,天津人民美術出版社,2019年,頁192
           44 1/8 x 15 1/2in (112 x 39.3cm)
                                                             A Shanghai native, Wang Zhen was a successful businessman with
           $12,000 - 18,000                                  trade enterprises and shipping companies that afforded him the
                                                             opportunity to make frequent trips to Japan. He was also an active
                                                             member of the vibrant Shanghai school of painting and in close contact
           王震 菩薩 設色紙本 立軸                                     with many in a wide artistic circle. The artist was also a devout lay
                                                             Buddhist and a generous philanthropist. While traveling to Japan for
           Provenance                                        business, Wang Zhen was able to view many early Chinese paintings in
           Far East Fine Arts, San Francisco, California, August 1981  the Chan Buddhist tradition from the Song and Yuan dynasties. Here,
                                                             the angular, bold lines on the Bodhisattva’s robes recall expressive
           Published                                         brushwork found in the later paintings by the Song Master Liang Kai
           Gallis, Michael and Ma Xinle, Michael Gallis Collection of Chinese   (active 1172-c. 1204).
           Paintings Maike Gailesi Zhongguo hua shoucang: yige Xifang xuezhe de
           Zhonghua wenhua zhilu, Tianjin Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 2019, p.192
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