Page 45 - Summit Brochure Final
P. 45



              "Helps you to find a                           "You get to see
              network of people you                          successful, confident

              can bounce ideas off,                          Black Women and
              mentor or be mentored                          learn about their

              by, just others you can                        successes and
              get together and talk                          celebrate their

              to."                                           accomplishments."

              Shavon H.                                      Diane W.
                "Being a part of The Black
                Female Accountants

                Netowrk helped me to move                    "You don't feel so alone
                out of my comfort                            in your space you have
                zone...when you come you                     people with simillar
                are going to grow"                           experiences you can
                                                             learn from"

                Mora O.                                      Abi.

                "What drew me is it is a

                faith based network where                    "A lot of other women
                we still continue to serve                   are also going through
                God...where we value one                     the CPA program who
                another, respect and help                    can provide support"
                one another"

                                                             Atisha B.

                Lucille R.

                    B l a c k   F e m a l e   A c c o u n t a n t s   N e t w o r k

           @ b f a n n e t w o r k   b f a n n e t w o r k . w o r d p r e s s . c o m
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