Page 47 - Summit Brochure Final
P. 47




    Hello everyone,

    My name is Ada and I am an international student from Nigeria studying Accounting and
    Financial Management at the University of Waterloo. I was fortunate to have my first co-op
    term at the MNP LLP Mississauga office where I met Shavon Hyatt, my senior manager.
    Shavon introduced me to the Black Female Accountants Network community. When she first
    told me about the network, I was a bit skeptical (just as you may be right now reading this)

    but I decided to try it out. My very first meeting with the Black Female Accountants Network
    was in February 2018. To be honest, at this point I didn’t yet consider myself a member of the
    network.  I went just to see if they could convince me that being a part of the network was

    worth my time.

    With all honesty, attending that first meeting was the best decision of all I made in the first
    quarter of the year. I have met like minded people that in someway resonate with my values,
    I have been able to build an even larger network through the Black Female Accountants

    Network and most importantly, the people I met at the network have inspired me with their
    own personal aspirations and successes that I feel like I always have people to turn to when I
    need any sort of advice.

    As a student, I now know how lucky I am to have joined the Black Female Accountants
    Network, frankly, I think all students should be trying to join the network. The Black Female
    Accountants Network brings a vast amount of exposure and opportunities for us as we aim to
    conquer the labor market. I know so many people would be like me and think this is not

    worth it. Give it that one try as I did and the trial will convince you.

    Adaolisa Eze-Onuorah

                   B l a c k   F e m a l e   A c c o u n t a n t s   N e t w o r k

          @ b f a n n e t w o r k   b f a n n e t w o r k . w o r d p r e s s . c o m
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